LII. Kook vs. Pogue

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HARD OUT HERE — LILY ALLENIt's hard out here for a bitch!

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It's hard out here for a bitch!

STELLA SAT QUIETLY with her hands resting on her thighs and her fingers tapping away. Her eyes roamed the room, avoiding the person sitting in front of her like they were Medusa and one look would turn her to stone. Every few seconds, her gaze would flicker to the ticking clock hanging on the wall. The monotonous sound was the only thing heard throughout the therapist's office.

The silence was killing her. Without the constant bickering of her friends, music playing, or distant waves ringing in her ears, the only stimulation she received were the thoughts running through her mind. They sounded like a river. Loud, fast, and determined. There were many things she could speak to Dr. Wolff about, but in the past half hour she hadn't said a word. Instead, she got lost in the current, too stubborn to take advantage of his willingness to listen.

Dr. Danny Wolff was fairly new to Kildare's only hospital, having arrived three years ago to replace the head of the psychiatry department. He was a nice man, although other student volunteers found him intimidating because of his height (he was well over six feet tall and towered over everyone) and his blunt way of speaking. She thought the same at first but after running into him so many times in the attending lounge, she came to learn that he was far less scary than everyone thought he was.

He liked sugary coffee, had a cat named Sassy, and wore silly patterned socks. Every winter, he rewatched all of the Harry Potter movies just like her and JJ, and he held a lot of knowledge about random topics and places—probably because he travelled a lot.

(From what her mother told her, Dr. Wolff got his bachelor's degree in Austria, his master's degree in Germany, and did a joint doctorate and medical degree Canada. He also worked in Luxembourg and Spain for a while before moving to the United States.)

Stella knew that he rarely counselled new patients. The last patient he took on was John B when his father first went missing, but that only lasted two sessions. Dr. Wolff was far too busy of a man, so the fact that he was sitting across from her meant her mother had something to do with it. He was the best their hospital had to offer and Emma only wanted the best for her kid.

Across the room, Dr. Wolff raised a brow and gave her an unimpressed look. In the thirty minutes since she walked into the room, Stella hardly said a word. He knew she would be a challenge but he didn't think their first session would be so quiet. From what he already knew about her, she seemed like she always had a lot to say.

"This would go a lot faster if you said something," he stated.

Stella crossed her arms over her chest. "I've got nothing to talk about."

He looked at her like she was a puzzle worth solving before continuing again. After a brief pause of silence, he asked, "Why are you here then?"

She appreciated his efforts but they were in vain. "You know why I'm here," she replied. "Everyone does. I don't need to tell you about it."

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