XIV. A Midsummer Night's Dream

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PERFECT PLACES — LORDEAll of the things we're taking'Cause we are young and we're ashamedSend us to perfect places

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All of the things we're taking
'Cause we are young and we're ashamed
Send us to perfect places

WHEN STELLA MOVED to Figure Eight, one of the first things her friends teased her about was having an Island Club membership. The boys would constantly ask her ridiculous questions like if her membership came with a knit sweater vest or if people polished her golf clubs for her. As the years passed by, their comments decreased in number, only returning on one day every year—Midsummers.

Stella stood in front of her mirror, staring at herself with a frown. The bracelets on her wrists matched the chain around her neck and the champagne coloured dress she had picked out with Kie complimented her figure nicely, hugging her in all the right places. She looked like the perfect Kook princess all the adults thought her to be. And while she knew she looked good, she couldn't bring herself to feel good about any of it.

"I hate this," she stated, her eyes meeting her mother's through the mirror. "There are bigger things going on than this stupid party."

Emma let out a small sigh and let go of the strand of Stella's hair that she was curling. "I know you're worried about JJ," she acknowledged, "I am too, but he wouldn't want you to waste your night in doing so. He's a big boy, he can handle himself. Besides, you won't be alone. At least Kie and Pope will be there, right?"

"I just don't get why we have to go. We didn't go last year."

"That's because I couldn't get off work last year." Emma let go of the last curled piece of hair and let it drop down Stella's back. "Dr. Thorton has been talking a lot of smack in the OR lately and I'm not going to give her something else to talk about."

Stella's eyebrow raised. "So we're going to Midsummers because Topper's mom will talk bad about you if we don't?"

"That miserable woman will talk bad about me no matter what." Emma tucked a flower behind her daughter's ear and smiled. "I just want us to go because I know we'll look better than her and she'll hate it."

Stella let out a short laugh before turning around, and together, the two Marx women made their way to their car and headed to the Island Club.

Cars lined the driveway of the club and the building looked packed. The familiar feeling of anxiety that came with making a public appearance to a crowd full of judgemental eyes filled her veins and she could feel her chest begin to tighten. That, on top of worrying about JJ, made everything worse. She just hoped Kie was already there so she wouldn't have to awkwardly follow her mom around like a lost puppy.

They walked into the party and heads turned instantly.

There were two types of Kooks in the Outer Banks: old money and new money.

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