XX. It's Okay to Fall Apart

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TALK YOU DOWN — CHARLOTTE LAWRENCE Irrational fears are callingIrrational tears are fallingBaby, I swear, I promiseThat I will talk you down

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Irrational fears are calling
Irrational tears are falling
Baby, I swear, I promise
That I will talk you down

JJ'S GRIP ON the steering wheel never loosened as he drove to Barry's house. Even after Stella placed a hand on his thigh to calm him down, his knuckles remained white from how hard he was holding on. He couldn't think straight. He was angry and tired of being pushed around—by the Kooks, his father—and Barry was the last straw. He wasn't going to let this go without justice being served.

They pulled onto a dirt driveway and stopped in front of a run down house that looked more like a trailer than anything. It was unkept and there were random objects littered around the property. It was quiet, the only sounds in the air being that of the ocean. No one was home.

"Welcome to Crackhead Wasteland," Sarah said, voicing what everyone was thinking.

Pope shifted nervously in his seat. "I don't know about this, man."

"Dude, why are we at Barry's?" John B asked from the back seat. He thought JJ's little rampage was a big waste of time. They could be thinking of ways to get the rest of the gold, but instead they were feeding JJ's desire to get even.

The van came to a stop and JJ put it in park. "This'll only take a second," he said as he got out of the driver's seat.

Stella sighed. "JJ," she called out through the open window. "Where you going?"

JJ didn't turn back as he walked up to the front door. "Yo soy justicia!"

"Did you glean anything from that?"

Pope turned to his friends, mainly focusing on John B and Stella. "You know somebody should probably—"

The pair cut him off with a nod. "Yup, we've got it," they assured in unison.

John B and Stella got out of the Twinkie and followed JJ into the house. The latter was still bitter about all of the unfortunate events that happened earlier in the day, but pushed her feelings aside for the sake of everyone around her. She knew it wasn't good to bottle up her feelings, but she didn't want to lash out at her friends and dealing with JJ's impulsive decisions took precedence over her daddy issues any day.

Stella understood where JJ was coming from. He had all of this pent up anger from being pushed around and it was only a matter of time that he did something reckless like this. When JJ was hit, he hit back harder. That's how he worked.

Did she think Barry deserved a little grief for what he did? Yes.

Did she think JJ was being excessive? Definitely.

John B pushed the door open and leaned against the frame with his arms crossed over his chest. Stella stood behind him and copied his stance on the other side of the doorframe.

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