XII. Flowers For An Apology

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JUST FRIENDS — AUDREY MIKAJust friends don't do what we do What we do, can't do without you

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Just friends don't do what we do
What we do, can't do without you

ONE OF THE first things Stella learned about science was that it provided an explanation for almost anything. Biology said that things like feelings could be reduced to a series of chemical reactions. Physics said that sight was the manipulation of light. Psychology said that the attachment someone had to their parents as a baby could predict their romantic relationships. Years upon years of research conducted by the brightest minds in the field provided an answer to her ever growing list of questions.

That being said, Stella had always been a skeptic when it came to things relying on blind faith. She needed proof, causation. But while her need for substantial evidence lead to her struggle to keep an open mind, she was a firm believer in soulmates.

Stella found comfort in the idea that there was someone out there made specifically for her, that after all the pain and suffering, love prevailed and loneliness fell victim to the light. And while there was no way to know for certain, she had a strong inkling that the boy laying next to her was the closest thing to destiny as she was ever going to get.

Lost in her thoughts, Stella failed to notice JJ stir.

Despite being awake, his eyes were still closed when he reached for her. His arms wrapped around her bare waist and he pulled her close, nuzzling his face into the side of her neck.

The door to the spare room creaked open and the sound of hushed laughter flooded the air. JJ's eyes shot open and his gaze landed on John B trying to peak into the room.

Almost instantly, JJ grabbed the pillow from under his head, leaned over Stella, and threw it at nosey brunet before he could see anything he wasn't supposed to. "Come on, man. Get out of here."

John B laughed as he shut the door and seconds later, Kie and Pope could be heard cheering from the living room.

"Can't wait to deal with that," Stella mumbled, running her hands over her face.

JJ propped himself up and stared down at her. He waited for her to look at him before asking, "how're you doing, Sunbaby?"

Memories from the night before played in her mind as she laid in silence. Her friends were right in calling her stubborn all these months because looking back on her friendship with JJ, there was nothing friendly about it.

Friends don't cast lingering glances at the other when they aren't looking or have an overwhelming need to be in direct contact with them all the time. Friends don't call each other 'baby' when they want something or choose to sleep in the same bed and cuddle all night. Friends don't look at each other the way they do.

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