III. Nothing but a Speck of Dust

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ANYTHING 4 U — LANY I'll go to hell and back if I have toI'll do anything for you

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I'll go to hell and back if I have to
I'll do anything for you

JJ WOKE UP in a daze, squinting at the bright light peaking through the closed window blinds. The dream he had of Stella twirling in a field of flowers slowly faded from his mind, but he could still see her smile at him over her shoulder as his eyes fully opened, transporting him back to reality. But luckily for him, his reality wasn't far off from the dreams of his deepest desires. In both, Stella was by his side even if it wasn't in the same way.

With his free arm tucked under his head, he looked down at the girl nestled contently into his side. His other arm was trapped between her neck and the bed, acting as her pillow. There was a prickling sensation crawling up said arm, but he didn't care much for it. Stella looked peaceful and he didn't want to wake her, no matter how numb his arm became. Though, he wasn't suffering in silence because suffering in the presence of Stella Marx was simply impossible.

A soft smile came over JJ's lips as he recalled one of the many instances Stella gave him an in-depth summary of an article she had read. According to science, sleeping next to someone you love could reduce depression. As he watched her take steady breaths, her chest rising and falling in an ever going cycle and nose scrunching as a strand of hair fell in her face, he knew that it was true. Having Stella as the last thing he saw at night and the first thing he saw in the morning made him happier than he had ever known was possible.

Because of Stella, he had come to know what love was—what being in love was. It was letting her sleep as his arm grew numb under her. It was getting weak in the knees when she laughed and daydreaming when they were apart. It was being her biggest fan, but her toughest critic. It was listening to her ramble about things he didn't understand, but urging her to continue anyways. It was trusting her so much that he told her everything about himself, even the things he was ashamed of. And it was scary—goddamn terrifying, really—but it was safe.

It was safe because it was Stella. And it always would be Stella.

JJ knew she would never hurt him intentionally. But despite the safety Stella Marx gave him, doubt was a menace that lived in the shadows of his mind. No matter how confident he was in the fact that Stella would always be a constant in his life, the idea of rejection was too daunting.

And while JJ was no stranger to pursuing intimidating goals, never caring much for fucking up or the consequences of his actions, he knew he had to be careful with Stella. Their friendship was too important for him to act recklessly.

Every time he thought about telling her how he felt, he found himself biting his tongue, waiting for the perfect moment to come along or his courage to build. One day, he promised himself. One day he would tell her exactly how he felt about her.

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