XXXII. Meet Me in the Afterglow

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AFTERGLOW — TAYLOR SWIFT Tell me that you're still mine Tell me that we'll be just fine Even when I lose my mind

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Tell me that you're still mine
Tell me that we'll be just fine
Even when I lose my mind

SOMETHING ABOUT RUNNING around town and collecting supplies for a party at the Chateau filled Stella with a sense of heavy nostalgia. It was a good distraction. For a couple hours, the lives of her and her friends weren't totally screwed up. John B and Sarah weren't fugitives, Kie wasn't being threatened with exile, Pope wasn't second guessing everything he said to the curly-haired Pogue, and she and JJ were okay.

She missed the days where all she had to worry about was completing her weekly volunteer hours at the hospital. Back when she wasn't mentally and emotionally drained. Back when the only mission the Pogues had was to have a good time all the time. Things were simpler.

But while there were many things she would've changed from the past few weeks, she had to admit the Cat's Ass was not one of them. (Though, the circumstances leading up to its purchase would definitely be changed, considering it was a result of JJ's breakdown.)

Music blared through the air of the Chateau's backyard, and several joints were passed around the infamous hot tub as the six cross-faded teens laughed at the most superficial of topics.

"I don't get how this place is still standing," John B said, looking around at the string lights and well-kept lawn that his friends didn't have the heart to stop maintaining.

JJ let out a small laugh. "You really think Emma would just let it sit and rot?"

With raised brows, John B turned to Stella. "Your mom still paid the bills?" He thought since he was presumed dead that the older woman wouldn't waste her money on a house no one lived in.

Stella tilted her head back and blew smoke from her lips before turning to him with a shrug. "Maybe," she said, a sly smile growing on her face as she passed the joint she was holding off to Kie.

After her mom found out that Luke Maybank was arrested again and that JJ was taking up residence in the Chateau, she actually bought the house. Though, she would've purchased it anyways, empty or not. She saw it as a memorial site for the boy she helped raise. No one besides Stella knew and she certainly wasn't going to tell the boys. John B didn't like taking hand outs.

At her vague answer, the boy chuckled. He made a mental note to thank the surgeon for everything she had done for him.

"To moms who care," Kie mused, holding her can of beer up for a toast.

The sentiment caused a series of giggles to erupt around the hot tub.

"To moms who care!"

Smiles were far from rare as the night carried on, and eventually, the group moved from the Cat's Ass to the makeshift fire pit the boys dug out a few years ago.

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