XLVII. Break His Heart and Rob Him Blind

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I DID SOMETHING BAD — TAYLOR SWIFTIf a man talks shit, then I owe him nothingI don't regret it one bit 'cause he had it coming

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If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing
I don't regret it one bit 'cause he had it coming

STELLA PRIDED HERSELF on her ability to lie. It was a skill she perfected at a young age and it took a great deal of attention to recognize when she was telling one. The key to telling a good lie was to treat it like a fact, and the closer it was to the truth, the more convinced the other person would be. Her ability to lie got her and her friends out of some tricky situations and they always said she'd be a great actress. Rafe had to agree because when she shouted, 'You're fucking insane!' at him, he actually felt offended.

Their plan was simple. If Stella was collateral, then Singh had to make sure nothing bad happened to her, otherwise, Kie wouldn't bring him the diary. By making the guards believe that Rafe was hurting her—killing her, really—then they could lure them away from their posts, incapacitate them, and escape.

Rafe shoved the bedside table, sending the small trinkets on top of it to the ground. "I'm sick of this shit, Stella!" He stepped closer to her and reached for her arm. "I'm gonna kill you!"

Stella's knocked over the glass lamp sitting by the door, trying to make as much noise as she could. "Let go of me!" she screamed. "Help!"

Rafe rushed her into the bathroom and pulled the shower curtain back so she could climb into the tub. He held his hand out to steady her, but she didn't take it.

"I'm gonna kill you," she whispered with a scoff. "Could you be anymore obvious?"

He rolled his eyes and his outstretched hand fell to his side. "Shut up and get in the tub."

When Stella was situated, Rafe hid behind the door. Minutes felt like hours as they waited in silence, hoping that the guard outside their door would fall for their trap.

Stella could hear everything. She could hear the chatter of people outside, the static of a radio, her heart beating in her chest. She could also hear the game the guard was playing on his phone and how it stopped when he realized she and Rafe weren't yelling at each other anymore.

"Hey, you two!" The guard shouted. "What'd you do?"

The door creaked open and the shattered lamp crunched beneath his boots.

"What is this?" Stella heard him mutter.

His footsteps got louder as he approached the bathroom and the door squeaked on its hinges. There was a beat of silence before the sound of grunts and groans filled the air, signalling to Stella that Rafe had tackled the man.

Pulling the shower curtain back, Stella stood and stepped out to join them in the other room. When she crossed the threshold, she saw that the guard was on his stomach with his hands held behind his back. Rafe was on top of him, holding a gun and warning him not fight back.

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