IX. My Stella Senses Are Tingling

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TEENAGERS — MY CHEMICAL ROMANCESo darken your clothes, or strike a violent poseMaybe they'll leave you alone, but not me

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So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me

STELLA LOVED JOHN B. Since the day they met in the fourth grade, she knew that she had someone in her life who would always have her back. He was there to carry her to the school nurse when she broke her leg after falling out of the tree JJ dared her to climb; he was there with ice cream and cheesy romcoms when Austin Fraiser asked Macey Thomas to the spring formal instead of her; and he was there to give her advice about JJ time and time again no matter how adamant she was that he didn't like her back. John B was her brother for all intents and purposes. No matter what, he was there for her, so when his father went missing, it was only right that she returned the favour.

Through many sleepless nights and mornings filled with fierce denial, Stella was there to wipe away John B's tears or provide hope when all was lost. But as the months slipped by with no lead in the missing persons case, John B's denial only grew. It grew until it was almost an obsession. It grew until it was harmful.

Stella tried to be the lighthouse that brought hope to the darkness of her honorary brother's despair for as long as she could, but she knew the odds and Big John wasn't the type of person who would get lost at sea. After nine months of holding out for a miracle, Stella and those around her tried to voice their concern, telling John B that if his dad wasn't dead, then he was long gone and he wasn't coming back.

Gentle suggestions were met with harsh tones and for the past couple weeks, the rest of the Pogues felt as though they were walking on eggshells—much like they were doing right now as John B frantically drove away from his house.

"I mean it's obvious, right?" He questioned, eyes wide as he looked at his friends through the van's rearview mirror. "A family heirloom. What better place to hide a message? He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?"

The four other teenagers shared a look before Kie hesitantly spoke up. "Yeah," she trailed, her voice full of skepticism. "It's... possible."

"It could also be possible that you're concocting wild theories to help, you know, deal with your sad feels," Pope suggested, taking a much more logical route.

Stella nodded. "It's, uh... It's self-preservation, basically," she explained, hesitant to share her knowledge. When no one said anything, she continued, "Your mind will believe whatever supports your beliefs regardless of the evidence against it. It's a form of protection so you don't experience dissonance. Saves you from pain and disappointment."

"Stella," John B warned. Perhaps if it were any other day, the more sensible part of him would know that she and Pope only meant well. But it wasn't everyday that your life gets threatened by scary armed men who want your family heirloom, so right now, he was simply annoyed and didn't want to hear it.

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