XIX. We Were Never Friends, Cameron

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SAFE WITH ME — GRYFFIN & AUDREY MIKAMaybe I been goin' too hard, doin' too muchTryna drown out my sensesI don't know what I've been tryin' to prove

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Maybe I been goin' too hard, doin' too much
Tryna drown out my senses
I don't know what I've been tryin' to prove

STELLA FELT LIKE she was on cloud nine.

She had woken up in JJ's arms more times than she could count, but today felt different. The sun seemed brighter. Not in an annoying way, but in a way that casted a warm glow, illuminating the dust particles that floated through the air of the small bedroom.

Today, the buzzing spark in her chest felt like it was amplified by a thousand percent. Things were looking up for the group and she knew her happy mood was most definitely a result of them finding the gold.

Outside of the small bedroom, Stella could hear footsteps travelling down the hall. John B and Sarah's voices danced through the air despite their attempts to keep quiet, and Stella wondered if she should take that as a cue to get up.

Rolling over in the bed, she came face to face with JJ's sleeping figure. JJ had always been good looking, but when he was asleep, he looked ethereal. The line that usually valleyed between his brows softened and his lips were turned upward in a slight smile. He looked at peace, which was a rare occurrence considering the hardships of his life.

When he was awake, he was a bouncing ball of energy that needed to move or else he would combust. Though full of energy, he was also was on edge all the time and the word 'peace' was just a fantasy to him. Stella knew these small moments of bliss didn't happen often and decided that she didn't want to wake him up just yet.

With a soft smile, she tucked herself back into JJ's side and wrapped an arm around his waist. The arm that was already under her curled around her shoulders and JJ let out a small sigh of content as he tightened his grip around her. Her head rested on his chest, and she fell back asleep, lulled into her dreamland by the soundtrack of her boyfriend's beating heart.

The next time she woke up was two hours later.

Startled out of her slumber by a pillow harshly hitting her face, she opened an eye to find JJ leaning over her from the side of the bed with a wide grin. Groaning, Stella grabbed the pillow and covered her face with it.

JJ tried to pull it away, but Stella held on tighter and used one hand to swat his away. "No," she moaned, turning away from him. "Go away, I'm tired."

Shaking his head, JJ leaned on the bed, placing a knee between her legs, and pushed himself forward so that he was hovering over her. "C'mon, Stella-Anne."

"Get off me," she ordered, her words muffled, "you're heavy and you can't touch me. It hasn't been a week yet."

"Your little threat was cute, cupcake, but you didn't mean it." He smirked, thinking about the way his hands trailed down her body the night before. "Now, get up, the sun wants its baby back."

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