IV. The Grady-White

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NAÏVE — THE KOOKS So how could this be done By such a smiling sweetheart?Oh, you're so naïve, yet so

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So how could this be done
By such a smiling sweetheart?
Oh, you're so naïve, yet so

THERE WAS A peaceful calm that blanketed the island the next morning. The sun had come up, washing away any trace of the storm that had raged the night before, and the birds sang their melodies as they emerged from their hiding places.

Stella woke with JJ breathing down her neck and his arms firmly wrapped around her. Careful not to wake him, she untangled herself from him and grabbed her phone from the bedside table. She had no service and could only hope that her mother was okay.

After getting up from the bed, she turned to face JJ once more. A smile slowly spread across her lips at the sight of him. His hair was a mess, falling into his face, and soft snores escaped his mouth. She liked it when he was at peace like this. There was no frown on his face or worry knitted through his brows. The troubles of the world couldn't touch him so long as he was in his dreamland.

With a final look, she turned to leave the room. The Chateau was silent as she made her way through and after checking on John B, she concluded that besides the crowing rooster outside, she was the only one up.

Before heading outside to assess the damage done by the storm, she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. As expected, the power had gone out in the night so it wasn't as cold as she wished for it to be. She twisted it open and took a sip as she stepped onto the back patio.

"Agatha, you bitch," Stella muttered as her eyes scanned the property. It was a complete mess. Uprooted trees laid across the ground, the yard was littered with debris, and the HMS Pogue was practically buried under a pile of branches.

"Morning, Stel," a voice sounded from behind. "Sleep okay?"

"Hey, B." Stella turned her head and watched as John B let out a yawn before his face melted into the same expression as hers. "I slept alright. You?"

"Like a baby."

John B took lazy steps into his backyard and surveyed the area. After making his assessment, he made his way down the stairs and headed towards the HMS Pogue. "That's no good," he stated, causing Stella to nod in agreement. "That is no good."

The back door opened again and Stella didn't need to turn to see who it was. A pair of sun-kissed arms snaked around her shoulders from behind and locked in front of her chest. JJ mumbled the question he asked her every morning and rested his chin on top of her head. "Agatha did some work, huh?" he called out to John B.

John B nodded and pushed a branch off of the boat. "Yeah, she did."

JJ didn't say anything else, but he did take the water bottle out of Stella's hands, take a large gulp, then burp beside her ear, causing her to push him away with a grimace. "JJ," she groaned.

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