XVIII. Full Kook!

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SECRETS — ONEREPUBLICMy God, amazing how we got this farIt's like we're chasing all those stars

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My God, amazing how we got this far
It's like we're chasing all those stars

THE GROUP SEPARATED and spent the day gathering all the supplies they would need to lower John B down into the well. Anticipation ran through their veins as they went over their plan for what felt like the millionth time, and there was an air of excitement that surrounded them as they checked off boxes on their to-do list.

As the day drew on, the six teenagers became hungry. They met each other at the Chateau for dinner, but was quickly reminded that John B was an unemployed sixteen year old who was barely capable of stocking his pantry without help. As a solution to their hunger, Stella suggested they go to her house, knowing that her mother always kept their kitchen cabinets full of food specifically for her friends.

The crew agreed, especially Kie who knew her father would be pissed if she just randomly showed up at The Wreck after being gone all night.

John B was driving the Twinkie to the opposite side of the island as the group discussed how they'd sell the gold. Sarah was turned in the passenger seat, listening as Pope went on about pawn shops and the value of gold; Kie was sat next to Pope, wondering how he knew so much about the topic; and Stella and JJ were sitting across from them with Stella under her boyfriend's arm and her hand on his thigh. JJ had to concentrate really hard on not saying anything as her hand mindlessly inched higher and higher up his leg.

"Hey, Star," Sarah called from the front seat. "Catch."

Stella twisted around to look at her, only for a piece of fabric to hit her face. The sound of laughter rang through the van as she pulled the article of clothing away and unfolded it. It was the dress that Sarah had borrowed from her in ninth grade and never gave back.

Even though they had reconciled their differences, Stella knew what this was. It was a peace offering.

With a soft smile, she looked up at the Kook and shook her head. "Keep it," she said, tossing it back.

Sarah's brows furrowed. "No, I've had it for so long and you said you wanted it back."

"And now I'm saying that you should keep it," Stella pressed. "It looks better on you anyways."

Sarah smiled and folded the dress with the nod of her head before joining the conversation the others three were having.

While Sarah listened to Kie poke fun at Pope, Stella turned her attention to John B. She shuffled down the bench she was sitting on so she could get a better look at him. "Hey, B?"

John B looked away from the road and over at her. "Mhm?"

Stella offered him a small smile and he matched it almost instantly.

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