XLIII. We Are Castaways!

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PARIS — TAYLOR SWIFTI'm so in love that I might stop breathing!

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I'm so in love that I might stop breathing!

"HOW'RE YOU DOIN', Sunbaby?"

JJ's voice carried through the air, over the crashing waves and squawking seagulls. There was a smile on his face and a slight skip in his step as he made his way over to his wife and best friend.

At the sound of her golden boy, Stella looked up from the mat she was weaving just in time for her cheek to meet his lips. Her eyes squinted as she faced the sun but a small smile pulled at her mouth. "Golden, J."

Kie playfully rolled her eyes for the sake of teasing her, but she was glad to see Stella happy. Out of everyone in the group, Stella had taken their situation the hardest. She had the most to lose, after all. Money, a future, a good relationship with a mother who loved her. She had everything. And then she had nothing. No one held it against her when she would sneak off to sulk, especially when they knew JJ would be there to pull her back from her thoughts.

Stella's gaze fell to the blinding white fabric JJ clutched in his hands. "What do you have there?"

He wiggled his brows at her. "Oh, just a little somethin'-somethin'. Behold, Mrs. Maybank." He brandished flag before her and with a proud grin, announced, "Poguelandia!"

The girls raised their brows and slowly nodded as they read the flag. Poguelandia was written in bold, top and centre. Under it was a chicken wearing Crocs and a coconut bra, smoking a joint. JJ talked about their mascot all the time, so the flag was no surprise.

"Is this what you've been doing all day?" Kie asked, tilting her head.

JJ shrugged. "You guys like it?"

Stella studied the drawing. She always knew JJ was a talented artist. In fact, she had a box of little doodles he gifted to her over the years under her bed at home. It was a secret hobby of his, one that he was quite confident in despite never sharing with anyone, so she didn't feel bad when she decided to tease him.

"You misspelled Pogue," she stated.

JJ's eyes widened. "What?"

She tried her best to fight off her grin, but failed as soon as he met her stare. "Kidding."

He dropped one side of the flag and placed his hand over his heart. "Don't do that to me, baby. We have limited resources, I couldn't redo it if I wanted to." Turning around, he started to walk off. "You two ladies want to help me put it up? We can go fishing after. Your favourite, Stel."

Kie groaned but stood up anyway. "I suck at fishing."

Stella took the hand Kie held out for her to take and allowed herself to be pulled to her feet. "You never know, Kie. Today could be your lucky day."

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