XIII. An Unfair Life is the Life of Mine

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SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT — NIRVANA Our little group has always beenAnd always will until the end

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Our little group has always been
And always will until the end

STELLA AND JJ had always loved going to the movies. Their shared interest in films about superheroes or Disney princesses was the first thing they bonded over after meeting all those years ago. When they were children, Stella's mom would even take them to Kildare's drive-in theatre on her days off. As they got older, it wasn't uncommon to find them sneaking onto the ferry to the mainland to catch the latest release.

Movie nights became a regular occurrence and soon enough, the pair dragged their friends into it, assigning each of them their own week where they got to pick what the group watched.

It was Kie's idea to go to the outdoor movie night hosted in Figure Eight. Nostalgia ran deep, as they used to go all the time only stopping the year prior, and she thought that it would help morale after their disappointing treasure hunt.

"I'm so glad they're still doing this," Kie said with a content sigh, leading her friends to the large screen. "Keep calm, carry on. Back to OBX life, you know? Aren't you glad we came?"

"Ecstatic," Pope drawled sarcastically, clearing his throat.

Stella grimaced as the fold out chair she was carrying smacked against her leg. "We should've just stayed home and watched Netflix or something," she grumbled, growing frustrated as she nearly tripped over the uneven grass.

JJ shook his head with an amused smile and took the chairs out of Stella's hands. "Yeah, Stella's couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest."

Kie rolled her eyes at their attitudes and found a clear spot in the middle of the growing crowd of families.

As the four set up their small area, Stella looked up. "Have you guys heard from John B today?"

Kie shook her head. "No, cell towers are still down. Have you?"

"Relax, guys." JJ took his backpack off and set it down by one of the chairs. "He's probably still moping about the Merchant."

Finding that JJ was probably right, the two girls shrugged off their concern and left to buy snacks. They laughed as they approached the concession stand, agreeing that they needed to have more girl time. Their good moods, however, were cut short when Rafe Cameron walked up to them.

"Hey, ladies," he greeted, a smile laced with false nicety spread across his face. "What's up? How are you?"

Kie barely glanced at him as she stepped up to the counter to order, leaving Stella to respond to the self-proclaimed Kook prince on her own.

The golden girl raised a brow at him and let out an amused huff. "Like you care how we are."

Rafe's brows furrowed. There were only two girls on the island besides his sister who didn't bother hiding their disdain for him and unfortunately, the girl he had been set on pursuing was one of them. "Course I care, Star."

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