When I Fall Asleep On The Couch

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I fell asleep on the couch and he walked by

Masaomi: Aww, someone was feeling sleepy.
*Smiles and puts a blanket over me*
She's so cute. She reminds me of Wataru when he was a baby.
*Hums to me softly*

Ukyou: *Sighs and puts a blanket over me*
She really needs to fix her sleeping schedule. She worries me sometimes.
*Looks at me*
Her back will hurt if she sleeps like that..
*Fixes my posture*

Kaname: *Chuckles softly*
How cute~
*Picks me up gently and carries me to my room*
Sweet dreams, my little Joske-chan.
*Tucks me in and kisses my forehead*

Hikaru: Oh, there she is~ So adorable, she fell asleep on the couch~ She was too tired to get up and go sleep in her bed~ Aww~
*Puts a blanket over me*
Then I guess I'll stay here and keep her some company.
*Sits down and reads one of his novels while holding my hand*

Tsubaki: Daww, she's so cute~
*Lays down next to me and holds my hands*
I'll be right here next to you, Joske. Don't worry. I will protect you from all the bad dreams.
*Kisses my forehead*
Little cutie-pie~

Azusa: She shouldn't sleep during the day. It's not good for her.
*Is about to wake me up, but decides not to*
Maybe she really needs to take a nap.. Maybe she worked hard all day or maybe she's just tired.
*Puts a blanket over me and let's me sleep*

Natsume: *He was visiting the others*
*Looks at me and smiles lightly*
She's pretty cute when she's sleeping. She looks so peaceful for once. However, it's not good for her to sleep on the couch.
*Picks me up carefully and carries me to my room*
My sleepy little kitty cat.
*Takes off his jacket and puts it over me before leaving*

Louis: *Puts a blanket over me so I won't be cold*
Maybe she needs an extra pillow...
*Goes and gets a pillow and gently puts it under my head*
Looking at her makes me feel sleepy as well.....
*Lays down beside me and falls asleep while holding my hand*

Subaru: *Blushes lightly*
S-she can't sleep here.... It's not good for her.
*Carefully picks me up and carries me to my room while blushing*
She's kinda cute.. Wait, what am I thinking!
*Tenses up when I shift in my sleep*
Phew, I didn't wake her. Thank god.
*Tucks me in gently and leaves*

Iori: Does she have insomnia again? I feel bad for her. She either has insomnia or terrible nightmares. She never has a peaceful rest...
*Picks me up gently and carries me to my room*
Let's put a little lavender under her pillow to soothe her.
*Tucks me in and puts some lavender under my pillow*

Yusuke: Geez, she's even worse than Louis-nii..
*Wants to carry me to my room, but is too afraid he might wake me*
What do I do? I guess I'll just sit here and keep an eye on her incase she has any nightmares.
*Blushes lightly and holds my hand*

Fuuto: Ugh, again? Can't she just go and sleep in her bed at night time like she's supposed to? So annoying.
*Looks at me*
...I guess she's not as annoying when she's asleep. She's almost cute.
*Sits down and lays my head on his lap*
Why am I doing this for baka-nee?..
*Sings softly for me*

Wataru: Joske-nee looks sleepy. If she's sleepy she can't play with me... But I can join her!
*Snuggles up next to me and falls asleep slowly*

Hi, I'm back. I feel better now. I'm mostly over it. It still feels weird, but I'll be okay.

~ Joske

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