What Am I Doing With My Life?

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What...... The.... Fudge am I doing with my life? I'm really writing scenarios about me and Ema.... Why? I don't know.

When I'm sick

Joske: *Coughs* Ugh... I hate this.. *Sneezes*
Ema: Do you need some water? Or some medicine?
Joske: I don't want anything from you! *Coughs*
Ema: I'll go get some medicine from Masaomi-san. *Runs off*
Joske: I said no! And stay away from Masa-nii!

When I sing

Joske: *Singing softly for myself while colouring*
Ema: You sing beautifully. *Smiles*
Joske: No one asked you and now you broke my concentration.
Ema: I liked it.
Joske: What are you even doing here!? Go trigger someone else's brain!

When I have a meltdown

Ema: Cheer up, it's not that bad.
Joske: I'm having a meltdown, you dumb, uneducated b!tch! Leave me the hell alone! *Cries*
Ema: I'm h-here for you. We're sisters.
Joske: No, we're not! You're not my sister and you're NOT my family! Now f@ck off! *Throws a pillow at her and cries*

(I don't speak that well when I'm having a meltdown. I usually can't speak, I'm just shaking, crying, banging my head on the table or wall or just pulling my hair and kicking around while screaming. I also swear a lot. It's hell..... It's what I have to live with.. It's Asperger's.)

When I'm acting yandere

Ema: What's wrong?
Joske: What if Natsume-kun is flirting with another girl? What if he's screwing someone else?.... What if he's marrying someone else!?
Ema: You're very obsessed with Natsume-kun. It's kinda cute *Smiles*
Joske: Shut up! You stay the f@ck away from MY Natsume-kun! I'M his future wife, no one else!

When I'm jealous

Joske: Natsume..... Did you...
Natsume: Joske, what are you doing here?
Joske: You b!tch! You kissed Natsume-kun! I told you to stay away! *Ready to punch Ema*
Natsume: No! No, no, no! Joske, darling, it's not like that! *Holds me*
Joske: I told you to stay away from my Natsume-kun.
Natsume: Darling, no fighting. *Kisses my cheek* Let's go to bed, you're very tired. *Carries me to bed*

When she gets bullied

Ema: *Cries*
Joske: Who hurt you?
Ema: The boy from school.
Joske: *Runs off* Ayo, punk ass! Pick fights with someone your own damn size! *Gets beaten up*
Ema: Joske!? *Runs up to me*
Joske: He might have broken a rib.. He definitely broke my nose... I'm also pretty sure he punched me so hard my period started.. *Coughs*
Ema: Why?.. I thought you didn't like me..
Joske: I don't.. You're a b!tch.. but I don't wish harm or pain on anyone... No matter how much I hate them.. I can't stand seeing someone suffering or being in pain..
Ema: Joske.. *Cries*
Joske: Call an ambulance instead of crying, you dumb hoe! I'm dying here!

Don't ask what that was... I just had an idea and I wrote it.

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