When I Get Hurt (Minor)

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I had to change it up a little. I accidentally managed to get flagged.. 😅

This chapter is inspired by an incident that happened two days ago. I'm taking care of my mom's cat (Safir) because my mom is moving. Safir got a little angry, not at me, but I tried to calm her down and she bit and scratched me. I did clean the scratches and I bandaged it up. It still stings and I can't really lift or touch anything since I have one scratch like right in the middle of my hand. So.... How was your week?

I was taking care of Natsume's cats for a few days because he had so much work to focus on. The cats started fighting and I tried to calm them down, which resulted in me getting scratched

Masaomi: Joske? Are you okay? You've been in the bathroom for a very long time now. Is everything okay? *Opens the door*
Masa-nii, don't look!
What? Oh, mother of all holy- *Faints when he sees the blood*
Masa-nii! *Tries to help him while simultaneously trying to treat my hand*

Ukyou: Joske, are you alright in there?
Yeah, I just got scratched. Ow!.… *Whimpers*
*Walks in* That does not look pretty. Here, let me help you. *Cleans my hand and bandages it up*
It stings a little, I know. *Finishes* There we go. All done.
Thank you, Ukyou-nii.
No problem. *Kisses my forehead* I should have a little talk with Natsume about his cats.

Kaname: Joske-chan~ Where are you?~
In here.
*Walks to the bathroom* What happened? Your whole hand is bleeding. *Grabs my wrist gently and examines my hand*
*Hisses slightly*
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Here, let me make up for it. *Sits down on my bed and starts cleaning my hand and bandaging it up*
Let me reward you for helping me. *Kisses his cheek*
You're too kind~ Let me make the pain go away~ *Pins me down gently*

Hikaru: Joske, you have to see thi-Joske? *Looks around*
I'm in the bathroom.
*Walks to the bathroom* Oh dear, what happened?
I got scratched a little. *Hisses*
Sweetie, let me help you. *Cleans my hand and bandages it up* There we go. Your poor hand. *Kisses my hand*
*Smiles* I'm okay, Hika-nii. Thank you.
Now, let's not focus on the pain. I found some really cute dresses. Look. *Shows me pictures*

Tsubaki: *Walks in* What happened!?
The cats scratched me a bit. *Tries to bandage up my hand*
Let me. *Bandages up my hand*
Thank you, Tsuba-nii. *Smiles*
No problem. I will have a serious talk with Natsume about this.
That's not necessary, but thank you. It wasn't his fault.
You're too kind for your own good.
But it really wasn't his fault. Natsume has nothing to do with this. It was my own fault.
Joske. That's not healthy thinking.

Azusa: *Walks in* You screamed? Is everything okay!?
I'm okay... I just got scratched and it startled me.. *Sniffles*
Ouch... That looks like it hurts. Let me help you. *Cleans my hand*
*Hisses and whimpers*
Sorry... I forgot to tell you that it stings a little, but I'm all done. Let me bandage it up so that you don't hurt it further. *Bandages up my hand*
Thank you, Azu-nii... *Sniffles*
No problem. *Kisses my hand and wipes my tears*

Natsume: *Comes by to take back the cats* Joske? *Looks around*
In here.
*Walks to the bathroom* What happened?
I got scratched a little.
I swear those cats are a pain in the ass, I shouldn't have asked you to look after them.
No, no, it's okay. It just stings a little. It wasn't their fault.
*Helps me bandage up my hand*
Thank you. *Smiles lightly*
*Kisses my hand, up my arm to my neck and finally my lips*
*Giggles* Natsume!

Louis: Joske-chan?....
*Sniffles* Ow....
Joske-chan, what happened?... Your hand is completely covered in blood...
I got scratched..... It hurts.... *Sniffles*
I believe you... That doesn't look very pretty.... Let's patch you up... This is going to sting a little, but it's so that it doesn't get infected.... *Cleans my hand*
Ow... *Hisses*
I know it hurts.... but only for a little bit.... *Bandages up my hand* Is that too tight?..
No... It's okay..
Good... *Kisses my hand then my forehead* Let's take a nap and forget the pain, okay?...

Subaru: *Runs in* I heard you scream! What happened!?
The cats scratched me a little. *Sniffles*
*Looks at my hand* That must hurt... *Cleans my hand as carefully as he can*
*Whimpers* Ow...
I'm sorry.. *Bandages it up* That's not too tight is it?
No, it's okay. Thank you.
*Hugs me tightly* I will beat Natsume's ass next time I see him.
*Hugs back* It's not his fault. Don't worry, I'm okay.
*Pats my head* Does it still hurt?
No... It just stings a little.
*Kisses my hand and blushes darkly*
*Blushes lightly*

Iori: Joske. You're bleeding!
Yeah... I got scratched by the cats. *Sniffles*
I will kill them....
No, it wasn't their fault.
Your poor hand. It's covered in blood..
I'm okay. I just have to clean it and bandage it up.
Let me help you. *Cleans and bandages up my hand*
Thank you, Iori-nii.
I will talk to Natsume when he stops by.
That's not necessary. I'm okay.
This is his fault. He shouldn't have asked you to look after his cats, knowing that they're out of control.
It's fine. I mean it Iori.
I will kill him.... *Mumbles*

Yusuke: *Runs in* You screamed! What happened!?
Yu-nii... I got scratched and it startled me.
Your hand in bleeding... Are you okay?
I'm alright... It just stings...
Uh... I'll help you.... O-okay?
*Nods* Okay...
You clean it first, right?
Okay..... *Cleans my hand*
Shit, sorry! I didn't know it would hurt!
I-it's okay... *Sniffles*
I'm really sorry, okay? Please, don't hate me!
I'm not mad at you.... Could you help me bandage it up?... I can't do it with one hand..
S-sure... I-is it gonna hurt you?
No... Not unless you tie it too tightly.. I'll tell you how to do it.
Okay... *Bandages up my hand* Done.
Thank you, Yu-nii. *Hugs him*
*Blushes darkly and mumbles* Y-you're welcome..

Fuuto: Onee-sa-Ew! You're bleeding! Gross!
It's not that bad.... Is it? The cats scratched me, but it was kinda my own fault.. *Hisses, trying to clean my hand*
Do you need help? Cuz' I'm not helping you.
No... I should be able to handle it, but thank you. *Whimpers*
*Helps me bandage it up*
Oh.... Thank you. You didn't have to do that.
I know, I didn't, but I don't like seeing my sister in pain.
Fuuto.... *Smiles lightly*
Now I deserve a reward~ *Kisses me*

Wataru: Onee-chan, you're bleeding!
Wataru.... Yes, I got scratched.
Does it hurt?
Not really, but it stings...
I can get Masa-nii to help you.
No, let's not bother him right now. He's probably in the middle of working. Could you go get Ukyou-nii or Kana-nii?
Uk-kun is at the store and Kaname-onii-chan is at the temple.
Then.... Tsuba-nii or Azu-nii?..
They're still at work.
At school.
Is ANYONE home in this goddamn household!?
.... Joske-nee-chan said a bad word.
.... Let's not tell Ukyou-nii about this, okay?... Please?...
Nope. *Runs out*

Alright, hopefully it won't be flagged now. Apparently I did something that offended Wattpad and they flagged the chapter so I had to change it up a tiny bit.

~ Joske

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