Bothering Natsume

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Dressing up as a neko maid

Natsume: *Looks at me* .......What are you doing?

Joske: Nya~ Welcome home, myaster~

Natsume: What.... The.... Fu-

Joske: I made sushi for you, myaster! *Gives him a plate with sushi on it* Here you go, myaster~

Natsume: Why do you have cat ears? And why are you wearing a maid outfit?.… And how the hell did you get into my appartment!?

Joske: I kiiiinda stole your key and made a copy of it.... *Giggles nervously*

Natsume: ...... You're in trouble.

Joske: Forgive me, myaster! I just wanted to suprise you!

Natsume: Oh, you suprised me, alright *Locks the front door* and now you're not getting away.

Joske: Nya! *Runs*

Talking badly about myself

Joske: Am I really that fat?...... *Looking in the mirror*

Natsume: What are you doing?

Joske: Natsume.... Am I fat?...

Natsume: Fat? What makes you think that?

Joske: A girl from class said that I eat like a swine...

Natsume: You don't. You're just a little sloppy. Also, does that girl have a death wish?

Joske: My cheeks are a little chubby... and my stomach is sticking out a bit...

Natsume: You're beautiful the way you are. I don't want to see your ribs and cheek bones, that's kinda gross. You're already skinny.

Joske: But-

Natsume: *Breaks the mirror* Don't look at that. Look at me instead.

Flirting with other people

Joske: Thank you, Ukyou-nii~ *Kisses his cheek*

Ukyou: No problem, Joske. I'm always glad to help.

Joske: *Smiles and walks away*

Natsume: *Grabs me and pulls me down on the couch*

Joske: *Squeeks* N-Natsume.

Natsume: What the hell was that about?

Joske: W-what?

Natsume: Don't play innocent with me. You were flirting with my brother.

Joske: N-no, I wasn't...

Natsume: I know when you're lying, Joske.

Joske: *Shivers*

Not giving him attention

Natsume: *Looks at me*

Joske: *Plays a game*

Natsume: Joske?

Joske: *Plays*

Natsume: Joskeee?

Joske: *Plays*

Natsume: What would you do if I was that game?

Joske: *Turns off the game* I'll turn you off~ *Giggles and runs away*

Natsume: You little- *Runs after me*

Teasing him

Joske: Natsume-kun~

Natsume: What is it?

Joske: I went to the store today and I bought some new stockings~

Natsume: ..... So?

Joske: And some new underwear~

Natsume: I see... *Looks at me* Wait, what was that?

Joske: *Walks away while giggling*

Natsume: Joske, come back here right this instant!

Not letting him help

Natsume: Joske, you need help.

Joske: No, I can do it on my own. *Smiles*

Natsume: No, you can't. Let me help before you hurt yourself.

Joske: I'm fin-Ah! *Falls from the chair*

Natsume: *Catches me* What did I say?

Joske: *Blushes* I-I'm okay...

Just a few random scenarios... I've been busy with school lately.

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