I'm Old....

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Masaomi: It feels like I'm forgetting something...

Ukyou: What do you mean?

Masaomi: Is it a special day today?

Ukyou: How so?

Masaomi: What am I forgetting?... An anniversary?..… A wedding?... A birthday?...

Ukyou: The only birthday I know of is Joske's.

Masaomi: That's it! It's Joske's birthday today! How could I forget?... I feel so horrible...

Ukyou: We'll go visit her later. I'm sure she is excited. She's turning 18 after all.

~Meanwhile at Joske's apartment~

Joske: I crave death.... I can't stand another performance.... It will be a disaster and everything will be my fault... Just because I can't sing and the teacher has the AUDACITY to put me as the lead singer and have me sing the whole song...... I can't do it.... I want to die.... I want to go back to theater.... *Sniffles* Also I'm very lonely because no one wants to be with me because of my asperger's.

~Back with the brothers~

Ukyou: Is everyone ready to leave?

Yusuke: Fuuto is still getting ready.

Subaru: Of course he is.

Ukyou: Remember, Joske is turning 18, so no teasing her!

Tsubaki: Dang it!...

Azusa: It's okay Tsubaki. *Pats his back*

Wataru: Will Natsu-nii be there!? *Smiles*

Ukyou: Yes, he will come by for a little while.

Kaname: What about Hikaru?

Hikaru: I'm already here~

Yusuke: *Jumps* The hell did you come from!?

Ukyou: Watch your language.

Fuuto: *Comes downstairs togheter with Louis*

Louis: We're ready..

Everyone: Finally!

Fuuto: Y'all are just jealous because I look better than all of you!

Hikaru: Um, excuse you. *Flips his hair*

Ukyou: Hikaru, do you have to dress up as a girl right now?

Hikaru: I have spare clothes in my bag. Also, Joske is fine with me dressing up as a woman. *Pouts*

Masaomi: We don't have time to argue. Let's go.

~In my apartment~

Joske: Lonely~.... I'm Ms. Lonely~.... I have nobody~.. For my own~ *Voice crack* Ack!.. And I have to deal with all this stress, pressure, anxiety and paranoia on my own... *Sighs* F@ck my life. *Hears a knock on my door* I told my family already that I don't want them to visit..... They only insult and criticise me anyways, so what makes them think I want to see them?... I've tried to repair and mend our relationship over and over AND over again... but they don't want to communicate or accept the fact that I do indeed have feelings. If mom thinks it's okay to emotionally neglect me and then expect me to be able to control my feelings just because she has no problem bottling up hers, then that's her problem. Not mine. If she doesn't want to listen to me or try to mend our relationship, then that's on her. I don't have to be her daughter if she doesn't want that. *A tear rolls down my cheek*

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