When I Get Hurt

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I fell down the stairs and hit my head really hard

Masaomi: Joske-chan, are you okay!? *He runs over to me and helps me sit up*
Where am I?... W-who are you?...
*He stares at me in shock* J-Joske-chan, please tell me that this is just another one of your pranks.
What d-do you mean? W-who is Joske-chan? *He picks me up and drives me to the hospital*

Ukyou: Joske, are you alright?
W-who is Joske? Where a-am I and who are you?
*He stares at me* Tell me your name.
I'm.... Uh... I am.... I don't know..
*He picks me up* Let's get you to Masaomi at once.

Kaname: Joske-chan? Are you okay?
Who is that?...
Hm? What do you mean?
Who is... J-...Joske... Joske-chan?
*Looks me in the eyes* Joske-chan... Are you being serious?
*Blushes lightly* Y-you're v-very close t-to m-me.... Um... C-could you b-back off a-a little?...
My little Joske-chan..... *Hugs me tightly* Please, tell me that this is just a silly joke.

Hikaru: *Helps me up* You didn't hurt yourself, did you?
Who a-are you?
W-who are y-you?
Joske-chan, did you hit your head? *Touches the back of my head* Yes, you did. There's a huge bump. We need to get you to a hospital right away.

Tsubaki: Joske!? Are you alright!? *Rushes over to me*
Ow... You're loud...
Are you okay?
I... think so... What happened? Who are you?
*Stares at me* Joske.... It's me, Tsubaki. Your brother.
I have a brother?... I have a name?.... J-Jo... Jose.... Joske...
*Picks me up and takes me to Masaomi*

Azusa: Did you hurt yourself, Joske? Are you okay?
Ugh...... Everything is... spinning...
Are you alright?
Huh? Are you talking... to me?.... Who even am I?.. Do you know who I am?
Joske? What are you talking about?
Joske?... Is that what I'm called?.... Why?.... Is that really my name?..
Let's take you to a doctor..

Natsume: Oi, watch your step. You could've hurt yourself badly, you know?
*Blushes lightly* Who a-are y-you and w-where am I?
Joske, this is not a joke. I mean it.
W-what are you talking about? Who is... J-Joske?
*Checks my head* You hit your head pretty hard... Let's take you to Masa-nii.

Louis: Careful... I should have warned you earlier. The stairs are very slippy.
Who.... are you... and who am... I?
Joske-chan? Are you okay?
Who is that?... Are you... refering to me?... Am I Joske?...
*Nods* Yes, your name is Joske.
That's a strange name... Who are you?
I'm Louis. I'm your brother.
Let's take you to Masa-nii, he knows what to do.

Subaru: Ow... My head.... *Tears up*
A-are you okay?
*Looks at him* D-do you know w-where I am? Or perhaps w-who I am?
Huh? *Looks at me*
Please... I don't know where this is or who I am... Can you help me?...
*Unsure on what to do* Um... W-wait here.. I'll go and g-get Ukyou-nii.

Iori: Oh, be careful. The stairs are very slippy.
Did you hurt yourself? *Checks my head* You have a very big bump here on the back of your head...
W-who are you? Do I... know you?
Did you forget?... We need to get you a doctor.

Yusuke: Oi, did you hurt yourself?
Mh...... Where...... Who..... Who.. are you?
Who... are you? Do you live here?... Do you know who I am?
Joske, what has gotten into you?
Joske?... Is that my... name? Are you meaning me?...
*Backs away* Masa-nii!

Fuuto: Baka, watch where you're going.
Where.... am I? *Looks around*
What? You went blind or something?
Who are you?... I don't recognise you at all...
Your acting is so poor.
Acting?.. Am I an... actress?
Yes and no. You study theater to become a voice actress. You know? The shit you keep annoying me with?
..... Doesn't ring a bell.
Ugh, seriously you're so bad. *Walks away leaving me confused*

Wataru: Onee-chan! Are you okay!?
Ugh.... M-my head....
*Looks at Wataru* Who are you? *Looks around* Where am I?
Joske-onee-chan.. You're scaring me...
Who is Joske?... She seems to be.. your sister? Maybe?
*Cries and runs away* Onee-chan doesn't remember me!

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