Louis X Smashley

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Just a small one-shot of my wattpad friend Smashley539 and her husbando~


Smashley's pov.
I've known the Asahina brothers for some time. They can be quite troublesome. I don't know how Joske puts up with them. Well, I guess she's too busy chasing Natsume to really have to put up with the others. Poor Natsume. Joske isn't all bad I suppose. She has her good qualities, like.... Well.... I'm sure she has some good qualities. No one can only have bad qualities.

Anyway, that's not why I'm here. I'm here to check on the brothers. Specifically Louis, but it's not like I love him or anything like that. It's more like a... crush. Maybe. Something like that.
He honestly worries me sometimes. He doesn't sleep enough and he has a tendency to overwork himself. I wish there was something I could do for him. Something to make his life a little easier. Getting rid of Joske is not an option, unless I want Tsubaki, Kaname and Fuuto after me.
I'm joking, of course~ Joske is my friend and she's chasing Natsume, not Louis. So it's fine. Now, back to making Louis life easier. What to do?...

Joske's pov.
I walk downstairs and see Lou-nii passed out on the couch again.

"Well, at least he actually made it to the couch this time."

I get a blanket and gently tuck him in. He's kinda cute. Not as cute as Natsume, of course. But then again, I've never seen Natsume sleep so I can't really compare. I just assume and imagine that Natsume is cuter. Speaking of which, where is my fiancé?
I quickly rush to get my phone to call Natsume.

Smashley's pov.
I walk into the brothers home. It's been awhile since I've last been here. Everything seems to be the same so far. I walk to the living room and see Joske running off somewhere. I call out to her:

"Hey, Joske! Where are you running to?"

She stops and looks at me.

"Smashley, hi! Natsume hasn't called me or texted me all day, so I'm just gonna go get my phone. I'll be right back!"

She runs off.
Yupp. Everything is exactly like usual. That's a relief. It would be a disaster if everything wasn't like it usually is.
I look at the couch and see Louis sleeping. My heart suddenly skips a beat. He looks so... peaceful.

"So cute..."

I mumble to myself. I gently brush his hair out of his face. I feel my cheeks heating up. He's just so cute. How can someone be so adorable, yet hot at the same time? I don't understand.


I hear Louis groan slightly. His brows are furrowed. Is he having a nightmare?
I carefully stroke his hair in an attempt to soothe him. He grabs my arm and pulls me down on the couch. Is he still asleep?.. I can't tell.
I gently call out to him.


No response. He's still asleep, but he seems to have calmed down now.
Lou-Lou is my nickname for him. To be honest, I don't remember how that came to be.
Lou-Lou is hugging me rather tightly, there's no way I'll be able to get up. Not that I really want to get back up.
He's so warm. So soft.

"Wait.. What am I thinking!?"

I quickly cover my mouth. Louis opens his eyes slowly. Crap.. I woke him up...

"Oh... Good morning, Smashley..."

He rubs his eyes. Seriously, how can a person be this cute!?

"G-good morning."

Why did I stutter!?
Louis snuggles into me and closes his eyes again. I blush lightly. He's resting his head on my chest! What do I do!? I mean, I don't hate it... but still!

"Do you mind staying for awhile?... You're really soft... Like a big pillow..."

"I can be your pillow.."

I blush darkly. What the hell was that!? Why did I say that!? That's weird!
He smiles and holds me tighter. He slowly falls back asleep. Great... What do I do now? Do I just lie here? I did say that I'll be his pillow. So, I guess that's what I'll be.

And done! Hope you liked it! It was short, I know, but I tried my best!

~ Joske

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