10. The Old West

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-April 1993-

"So Lotus, you've been busy." My brother says to me.

My eyes widen. "Lotus? How did you know?"

"You think I can't recognise my own sister?"

My eyes fall to the ground, which Chucky notices. "Hey, you survived. I'm proud of you."

I never thought four worths could mean so much to me. I throw my arms around him again. "I love you Chucky."

"Love you too little Ninja."

"So, what've you been upto?" I ask after our hug.

He leans back against the bench we're sitting on. "Been steeling a lot of stuff, having a lot of fun."

"Are you staying?" I ask.

"No. But I wanted to take you with me."

I'm not sure what to say to that. Of course I want to go with my brother, but the Triad... I made a commitment. I can't just take off. And the people here... I have to stay.

"I can't." I whisper.

He looks confused. "Why not?"

"I can't leave the people here behind. The girl that called you, she just arrived here, and she has one hell of a dark side. Who knows what will happen to her if I'm gone. Plus, I joined the Triad. They rely on me now."

My brother looks at me in shock. "You don't want to come with me?"

I hesitantly shake my head 'no'. I don't want anything more than to be with my brother, but the things here are too important.

"Are you angry?" I ask shyly.

"I just want my little sister back. You're the only family I have left." He replies.

"Then stay here."

"I can't. Just like you, I have things and people to get back to."

I sigh in disappointment. "Am I ever gonna see you again?"

"No, you will. I'll come back soon." He says. "I promise."

I smile and give him one last hug.



The whole team is in Sara's office.

"What's with bad guys and ancient amulets?" Nate asks, referring to the amulet Sara swiped off Darhk.

I don't know what he's talking about. "Is there something with bad guys and ancient amulets?"

Haircut ignores me and fucusses on the amulet. "Any idea why Darhk wants this?"

"All I know is, it's never a good idea when your nemesis starts accessorizing." Sara says.

"And he's teamed up with a speedster." Kid adds.

"What's a speedster?" Amaya asks.

The worst kind of hero. The kind that stops all of your heists before you even have the chance to get a proper look at him.

Haircut gives a clearer answer. "Someone with superspeed. That's how Darhk escaped."

Professor egghead gives us the physics behind it. "The energy of the speedforce grants the speedster Chronokineses, temporal manipulation."

"English, professor." Chucky says.

Sara translates. "It means his running real fast, lets him time travel."

Lotus (Legends Of Tomorrow - Sara Lance)Where stories live. Discover now