4. The JSA

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"Can you believe what we just saw with our own eyes?" Haircut asks. Except for Nate, all of us are on the bridge. I'm not sure why Nate isn't, but it doesn't really matter because he'll be gone soon.

Haircut continues, while walking from one side of the room to the other. "The actual JSA. And Hourman, that guy is amazing."

"Aw, Haircut's in love." Chucky taunts.

I sigh. "Haircut's not wrong. I mean those guys were precise, professional, in constant agreement, we can't even agree on who's turn it is to make dinner."

"Not it." Sara says, walking up to me and standing next to me at the console.

Jax speaks up from behind us, he's leaning against one of the chairs. "I can't argue with that. They got some serious skills, bro."

Sara doesn't agree. "Big deal. Apart from the fancy headquarters, discipline and calls from the White House, I mean what do they have, that we don't?"

"An actual leader." Haircut replies, walking over to my other side. "Rip's gone, and who knows when or if we'll ever find him again. In the meantime, we need someone who can make the tough calls."

"Let me guess, you're volunteering?" Chucky guesses.

"With all due respect, Raymond, I think there's a reason Mr. Tyler just naturally assumed I was in charge." Egghead says.

The kid doesn't agree. "Yeah, because Mr. Tyler is from 1942 and you're some old white dude."

"'Old', meaning experienced."

I roll my eyes at that. "No, old meaning 'annoying'."

Chucky laughs. "What about my sister?"

I already know they're gonna turn me down, but I wonder how they're gonna do it.

Professor egghead is the one to do it, of course. "I believe we all know that if Ms. Rory were to become captain, we would all be stepping into a life of crime."

"Exacly." Me and my brother say at the same time. The professor gives me 'The look' again.

The kid makes a suggestion. "What about-"

But Sara doesn't let him finish. "Martin's right. Not about Kate being a bad captain, but with Rip gone, we could use some adult supervision. Congratulations Captain."

I can't look at his big grin, so I walk out while telling him: "You better not screw this up."


Something happened to the JSA. Nate lost his necklace, so somehow that means his grandpa dies. Just like the rest of the JSA.

We're now all on the bridge again. I have my licorice and I'm eating it while we all look at Paris through the window.

"So this is where the JSA is gonna die?" The kid asks.

"Not unless we save them, including my grandfather." Nate replies.

"Well, first we gotta find them." I remind him.

"Fortunatly we know they're looking for a Nazi named Krieger." Nate says, turning around and walking over to the console. The rest of us follow his example.

He tries to show us some pictures, but he just has a bit of trouble with the screen. "A Nazi named Krieger- can someone please help me operate this thing?"

The kid sighs. "Oh god." But he does help him out.

Then Nate continues. "Thank you. Krieger and his men frequent Folies-Bergère. We find Krieger, we find the JSA."

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