26. The Spear of Destiny

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We're gathered in Sara's office with the pieces of the spear we collected so far spread out on the table.

"It's hard to imagine that when joined with their siblings, they're as powerful as God." Reaper comments.

Kid points at one of the pieces. "But right now, that's just a useless piece of wood."

Sara takes it and twists it around in her hand. "It's not useless. I know ten different ways to kill somebody with this."

"Only ten?" I joke.

My brother stands up from a chair behind me. "Not to mention, it's great for scratching in those hard-to-reach places."

"Please don't tell me used the Spear of Destiny as a back scratcher." Haircut says.

"Who said anything about my back?" He asks.

Sara immedietly drops the piece on the table, while I chuckle slightly.

Professor egghead speaks up. "Well, as Mr. Rory has demonstrated, in the wrong hands, this divine artifact can be put to truly horrific use."

Even Chucky himself agrees with that.

"Which is why, I called this meeting. To figure out how to keep it out of the Legion's hands." Sara explains. "Where's Nate?"

Amaya knows the answer. "Nathaniel said he wasn't feeling up to socializing. He said he'll go along with whatever we decide."

I'm not sure yet, but I think something is going on between those two. I mean I saw the way she looks at him and they're always talking to each other in secret. It's pretty obvious...

"What is there to decide?" Kid asks. "We find the Legion and we steal back their pieces of the spear."

"There's no need to find the Legion." Reaper says. "I know where they've been operating out of."

"Why keep it a secret?" My brother asks.

"Yeah, let's just go get them." I add.

He leans on the table. "The reason why you've been unable to locate Mr. Thawne and his partners all this time is because they've been operating outside of it."

"You lost me." Chucky grunts.

"Yeah, me too." Kid adds.

Sara holds her hand up a little. "Three."

"What's the one place that exists outside of time?" He asks.

It hits both me and Haircut at the same time. "Now way."

Haircut seems to like this more than I do though. I hate it, I still have nightmares about being in that hellish place.

Reaper smirks. "Yes way. We must return to the Vanishing Point."


We've arrived at the Vanishing Point, ready to search the place.

I'm with my brother. We hear Sara over the comms. "We're in position. Ray?"

"Ready." He replies.

"Kate? Mick?"

"Yeah." We say in unision.


We wander through these walls for a while. All of this is bringing up memories. Memories I've tried to forget over and over again. Yet I never succeeded.

When we pass the place where I was brought to heal my first Time Master and where Chucky was going to kill himself to get me to do it, I quickly reach for his hand.

Lotus (Legends Of Tomorrow - Sara Lance)Where stories live. Discover now