23. NASA and Secrets

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I leave for one night, and what do they do? They go to Camelot and meet king Arthur. Then they go to the cretaceous and see dinasours.

Also, Grim Reaper is good again. I promised Sara not to kill him and I won't. But I still hate the guy.

He just brought us to Manhattan, 1965. Apparently this is where he dropped of grandpa Heywood with a piece of the Spear of Destiny.

"I don't see him." Nate says.

Grim Reaper looks confused. "That is odd. I dropped him off right here a moment ago. Where could he have gone?"

It's hard not to attack him on sight. Every time I see him, I see how he shoots Sara. But I don't... because I'm reaching for the light.

He notices a guy in a coat and a hat that looks a lot like Grandpa Heywood. He pats him on the back, causing the guy to turn around. It isn't him. "Oh, I'm sorry. My mistake." He apologizes.

He turns back to us. "Where is he?" Nate asks again.

Amaya gives him an answer we weren't hoping for. "We used to call Henry the cameleon. He speaks seven languages like a local and he's a master in the art of camouflage and concealment. If you told him to disappear, that's exacly what he did."

I notice the look of distress on Nate's face, so I try to comfory him a little. "Hey, if it's hard for us to find him, it's hard for the Legion too."


"1965 was a bust." Sara informs Haircut.

He gives Nate a sympathetic look. "Oh, sorry, buddy."

"That's all right." Nate replies. "Rip said he dropped my Grandfather off in 1965 New York and told him to assume a new identity."

"Well, he'd need to find work." Kid points out.

"Why?" My brother asks. I chuckle at the look the kid gives him in response.

Amaya just ignores him. "Henry was a military man. He wouldn't have become an accountant. He would've wanted a job that still offered adventure, and yet was still somehow patriotic."

"FBI? CIA?" Haircut suggests.

I make a suggestion too. "Some kind of explorerer?"

"He was a fighter pilot before he was recruited by the JSA." Amaya states.

"In the sixties, the fledgling National Aaronautics and Space Administration used to call upon test pilots to apply to be astronauts." Egghead says.

Haircut smiles. "Exacly, what could be more patriotic, more adventurous than exploring space."

"I can think of a few things." I mumble, not loud enough for anyone to hear.

Nate agrees and points a finger at him. Sara does so too. "Nice. Gideon, pull up anything you can. Press clippings, newspaper articles, re: NASA circa 1965."

"Certainly Captain." She replies.

She shows us all sorts of pictures and articles, until Nate stops her. "Wait, stop, stop, stop. Right there. I'd recognize that Heywood jawline anywhere."

He points at a picture on which his Grandpa and some other guy are talking. Haircut reads what it says. "April 13th, 1970. Mission Control works to save Apollo 13. Come on, could your grandfather get any cooler?"

Then Grim Reaper walks in carrying some files. "I think I may have found a way to track Commander Heywood."

"We already found him." I tell him.

"You did?" He asks in suprise.

"We're headed to Houston, 1970." Kid says.

"Elvis at the Astrodome." Chucky grunts.

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