11. Quentin Turnbull

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Everyone is looking at us. I suppose they're not too keen on strangers. There's actually almost nobody here. I really thought these Old West towns were more crouded.

We stop walking in the middle of the town. "Where is everybody?" Kid asks.

Hex answers. "Ever since Turnbull set up shop 'bout six months ago, everyone's been run out of town or made to work in the mine."

"Mine? What kind of mine? Gold?" My brother asks, suddenly interrested.

"Hell if I know." He replies.

"Nobody's been mining for gold through these parts in half a century." Nate tells us. "Listen to me, 'these parts'- I sound like I'm a cowboy."

"Well, he's pulling something out of the ground." Haircut points out.

I look at the building on my right. "And it's making him rich. Guy owns a saloon."

"The hotel, the laundry and the whorehouse." Hex says.

Chucky's about to ask it, but Sara -thankfully- doesn't give him the chance. "The answer's no, Mick."

"Turnbull's got an office above the saloon. It's also got about a dozen men making sure nobody gets close to him." Hex tells us.

Sara has an idea. "I think I know how we can. Mick?" Sara throws him some money. "Why don't you mosey on in there? Have yourself a good time."

"If you insist." He replies, walking in.

I think I get the plan.

Amaya doesn't. "I'm not sure I understand your plan. You just set a match to a powder keg."

"And if Turnbull doesn't want his saloon to burn down, then he's gonna have to come out of his office and deal with it." Sara replies.

"Better yet, get your boy to get into a fight with Turnbull and bring him out here on the street." Hex says.

Sara turns to Amaya. "Amaya, your job is to make sure Rory keeps his pistol in his pants until he's outside the saloon."

"Clearly, I drew the short straw." She mumbles. She's about to go in, but then turn around again. "Wait, why not Kate? She's his sister."

"But not his babysitter." I reply.

She looks at Sara, but Sara isn't going to change her mind, so she goes in.

Then we hear someone screaming, so I decide to make myself useful and volunteer. "I'll go."

Sara nods and turns to the boys, while I follow the noise. I find this local woman. A guy is kissing her, while she is trying to escape. I was actually hoping she was being attacked by a bear or something, that would make my day a lot more interresting. I sigh, take my lousy Wild West gun and shoot him.

"You all right?" I ask the woman.

She nods, still shaken up. I hear someone behind me. Actually, it's more than one person. The woman I saved runs away in fear, so I know this can't be good. I slowly turn around with the gun in my hand. There are 7 cowboys standing there.

"Sweethard. You thought you could just kill one of us, and there wouldn't be any payback?" One of them asks. He has a blue scarf, a black hat and a black trenchcoat.

"One of us? Who are you?" I ask, not intimidated at all.

"We're Turnbull's crew, and you're a dead filly." Another one says, this one has a brown hat.

I let out an unimpressed 'hmm', then I throw my knife in one of them and shoot another one. 3 bullets left, I remind myself.

I dodge a bullet, by hiding behind a crate. I shoot one, two, three guys, and sigh in relief, because they're all dead. I kinda had my doubts I could fight them all. But then I remember: 'there were 7 of them'.

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