3. Back To The Future

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We're all on the bridge, including the pretty guy. "I'm sorry, but so far I haven't been able to detect any historical alteration that would indicate Mr. Hunter was stranded in time." He says.

Haircut has an idea. Something we all should've thought of sooner. "Uh, why don't we ask Gideon where he is?"

Pretty guy is confused. "Who's gideon?" He asks.

The head appears above the table. "Greetings, Dr. Heywood. I am the ship's artificial consciousness."

Pretty has that enthousiastic look. A lot like Haircut.

"Gideon!" Sara exclaims having -like me- missed the A.I. a lot in the 16th century. "We need you to tell us where Rip is."

"I'm afraid I have no idea, but I would be happy to play his final message for you all." The head answers.

Final message!? As if he read my mind Haircut speaks up. "Final message?"

Behind us, another Grim Reaper hologram appears. It reminds me of that time he left us back in 2016. He didn't give us a choice then either.

"Sorry for stranding you all throughout history, but it was the only way to save you." The hologram says. "Well you know what they say, a captain must never abandon his ship. Well, neither shall I abandon hope of seeing you all again someday, somewhere in time. As flawed and unruly as you are individually, together you are the best crew, the best team a captain could ever hope for. So stick together."

At that, Sara grabs my hand. I give her a soft smile. In the meantime, Reaper hologram continues: "And remember, history is yours now, my dear Legends. Good luck."

We stand there for a while. Processing everything.

The guy sacrificed himself for a time machine. He sacrificed his life for a piece of metal. I knew he was stupid, but this really takes things to the next level.

There is now only one thing that I know for sure: "I need some licorice."

I let go of Sara's hand and walk to the galley. "Head thing, make me some licorice please." I say to the seeling.

"Right away, Ms. Rory."

I'm confused. "Wait, no remark about your name being Gideon?"

"No. In the passed 72 years I have come to the realisation that reminding you my name is Gideon was standing in the way of my main purpose: To help the people on this ship... And you said please."

"Right." I take the bag out of the foodfabricator. Would it be poisoned? Maybe I should give one to egghead first.

As if on cue, the professor walks in. "Ms. Rory." He nods at me and walks past me.

I look at him. Should I? I look at the seeling. Would she? I look at my licorice. Is it? I look back at the professor. Why not?

I sit down on the table, pretending to be reading. I wait for him to make his cup of coffee. When he turns away to get some milk, I quickly put a piece of licorice in his coffee and get back to my fake reading.

It's a book about the Greek mythology. I'm suprised professor egghead isn't suspicious yet.

In the corner of my eye, I see him take a sip. "What is wrong with this coffee?" He wonders.

I'm about to come up with a bad excuse, when he drops his head on the table. My eyes widen. The head thing was trying to poison me. I check his pulse. He's alive and still breathing, thankfully.

Then, because I just can't seem to run out of luck, the kid walks in. "Grey? Grey!" He quickly runs to the professor. "Grey!"

He turns to me. "What did you do to him?"

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