7. Zombies

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I wake up with Sara in my arms, and I smile. This never gets old. She's still asleep and I can't see her face. I decide to just stay in this moment. I mean why would I get up?

So I lie there, stroking her blonde hair. I don't know how long it has been when she shifts in my arms and turns around to face me, still half asleep.

I use this moment to press a soft kiss against her lips. "Goodmorning beautiful."

"Goodmorning babe." She replies. After mumbling those words, her eyes close again. I chuckle at the cute sight.

But Gideon ruins my morning bliss. "Captain Lance. Ms. Rory. I have intercepted a message that was transmitting from another timevehicle."

She pouts, which just makes her cuter. I get out of bed, groaning while I'm getting dressed. Sara slowly does the same. "How great would it be to wake up in peace one day." She says.

"We could just put Gideon off." I suggest.

Gideon obviously doesn't agree. "I must advice against your idea. I am currently piloting the ship, if you were to put me off, you would all be falling through time and space."

"Relax Gideon, she was joking." Sara tells the A.I.

I was? "Sure."

We go to Sara's office to watch the message. Haircut is there too. "What's going on?" He asks.

Gideon tells him the same thing she told us. Then she plays the message.

We see a guy in a small ship. He says: "I don't know when I am. I've activated the temporal beacon. You get in the Dauntless and you get out here and rescue my ass."

"He's definetly not a timemaster." I point out. "I mean he's not using fancy language and he's not even wearing one of those ridiculous robes."

"Time pirate?" Haircut suggests. I shrug.

Sara uses the commd to tell professor egghead to come here too. He brings the kid with him. Then Gideon shows them the message again.

"A bit vulgar for a Time Master." Egghead comments.

"Time Pirate, we're thinking." Sara says.

"He activated a beacon." Haircut adds.

I sigh. "And now we gotta go after him."

"He's a Time Pirate. Why would we rescue him?" Kid asks.

I start to answer him. "Because if he ends up somewhere he shouldn't..."

Haircut continues. "And does something he shouldn't..."

Sara finishes. "It's Aberration-palooza."

"So where do we think he's going to and up?" Egghead asks.

"I have already located him." Gideon says.

Sara gets the rest of the team here too. When we are all standing around the console on the bridge, Sara looks at what Gideon found. "Looks like Mississippi, 1863."

"Height of the American Civil War." Nate informs us.

"It's also the bloodiest year in American history." Haircut adds. "We gotta watch each other's backs out there."

"Yes. Which is why you will be watching ours from right here." Sara says.

His head snaps towards her. "Huh?"

Sara looks up from whatever she was doing on the console. "If you don't mind, someone has to stay behind as backup."

He sadly nods.

Lotus (Legends Of Tomorrow - Sara Lance)Where stories live. Discover now