2. Einstein

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June 1992

Tonight is the night. I'm not sure what to think. I'm thinking so many things. I was a criminal before, but tonight, tonight I'll become a murderer. Tonight I will kill somebody.

Zhishan told me it's better not to think about it too much. I should think about what will happen afterwards. I'll become an official member of the Triad. I just have to prove my loyalty to them first. They don't easily let women in, let alone a 9 year old girl. But I'll prove that I'm worth it.

I put my weapons in a bag. I don't use guns, I don't like them, they make way too much noise and just don't fit with me. Instead I use a sword, throwing stars, and my favourite, knives.

Knives are amazing. You can throw them, you can use them to slice someone open, you can stab someone with them and you can use them to skin someone. Not that I would do the latter. I'm not barbaric.

I walk to the black van. Everything I'm wearing is black too, except for the lotus flowers on my jacket.

 Everything I'm wearing is black too, except for the lotus flowers on my jacket

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(Pretend like the jacket is black.)

Zhishan isn't coming with me, I have to do this alone. The ride isn't long, only 20 minutes. I look out the window, at the stars. Ms. Ngan, my teacher, told me that it only looks like they're small, but that they're actually really big and millions of miles away.

When there are clouds, you can't see them. But I know they're still there, just like my brother. I can't see him, but he's still there.

After those 20 minutes, we arrive at the mansion. I look through the window to see that the target is sleeping. I just want to get this over with. I put my sword in my belt and I take a knife in the hand. I leave the rest of the weapons outside, since it looks like this will be easy.

I sneak in through the window. He didn't even close it. I walk up to him, about to kill him, but then, of course, his daughter walks in. "Daddy, I can't sleep." The girl says in Chinese. After two years, I finally speak the language.

But then she sees me and so does the man. He takes my knife and attacks me. I easily dodge him and take my sword. "Run!" The man shouts to his daughter.

The girl runs away, while I run at the man. He's being careful with me, because I'm so young. I use this to my adventage. I'm about to kill him, when he grabs a sword that was laying on the closet. Damn it, I missed that.

It's a fair fight now. I block all of his attacks, but I don't find the opportunity to attack him. Then I come up with one of my brilliant idea's. I look behind him in shock. Like something really scary is there. He turns around for a few seconds, which is all I need to drive my sword through him.

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