28. The Legion of Doom

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We're lined up in the fields of World War I. Our future selves are lined up in front of us. The soldiers have stopped fighting, so now it's our turn.

"Guys, we've got company." Future Sara warns.

"I see 'em." Her past says.

Damien Darhk, Malcolm Merlyn and the actual Leonard Snart. He's really there. Just walking towards us. I'm greatful for the warning. I can imagine running towards my old friend and hugging him. Something I can't do now.

"Everyone clear on the plan?" Future Sara asks.

Our Sara repeats the plan. "Run like hell. Try not to die."

Her future turns to her team. "What about you guys? You ready?"

"Other than the fact that I can't Firestorm and Nate can't steel?" Future kid asks.

"You bet your sweet ass we're ready." Their Nate replies.

Our egghead and kid touch each other to become Firestorm. When they are, they fly towards the Legion with Haircut in his suit.

Me and my future both simultaniously reach for our knives and become invisible. It suprises me that I can still see her though. She gives me a confused look, because she can see me too. Maybe being invisible means being able to see other invisible things, something I mentally make note of.

Our future selves run towards them and we follow. It does take us a while to get there. In the distance, I see how future me and future Chucky are fighting Darhk. Things seem to go great, until Lenny shows up.

They have a talk, which ends in Lenny shooting both future me and my future brother.

I sigh, rolling my eyes at my own stupidity. I just had to become visible for the guy...

But it's not my main concern right now. I know my brother is still alive, but seeing him die is the worst feeling I've ever experienced. My knees go weak and I fall to the ground. My eyes want to look anywhere else, but they can't leave his death body.

I never thought I'd have to see this. My brother is always fine. Always. It may be stupid, but in my mind he can't get hurt. He's invincible. And now that illusion breaks, because he did die. And at the hands of our most trusted friend and ally.

A thought that causes the world around me to fade away, leaving just me and my dead brother. He's dead and I didn't safe him. A feeling that's consuming me with every passing second. Until a hand touches my shoulder. The person picks me up and forces me to look at him.

Mick Rory.

I knew he was still alive, but seeing it is different. I know we're in the middle of a fight, but I don't care. I wrap my arms around him.

"I'm still here." He silently whispers in my ear.

I nod, let go, and focus. I see how he takes one last look at dead future me, so I take his hand and drag him with me.

I notice Sara is fighting Darhk. I want to help, but I don't. She finally has a chance to avenge her sister now. And she isn't failing Laurel. She ends up pinning Darhk against the wall of a trench. "What are you waiting for?" He asks her. "Do it."

She notices me, looking at her in curiousity.

"Death would be too kind." She then tells Darhk.

She takes the sword away. Her future self knocks him out afterwards. I jump inside the trench and smile at them. I want to kiss her, but it would just make things complicated... Besides, this isn't over yet.

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