22. The light

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It's time. I'm standing on the road next to the crossing of the railroad and river. In the distance, I can see the bus arrive. I'm wearing my old jacket with the Lotus flower on the back. Inside my clothes, I've hidden all sorts of weapons.

Once the bus is close enough, I throw a shuriken in its wheel. The driver loses control and the bus spins around for a while. It eventually stops, thankfully without falling into the river.

I go inside, just in time to see Warner kill the last of the guards. She uses the chain of her handcuffs to do so. Chien sees me and gives me a quick hug. "Kate, you came."

"I always do."

In the meantime, Warner opens the door and throws the guards out. Cutter turns to the other prisoners. "This is your stop, ladies."

They all look confused at what just happened. Chien speeds things along. She points a gun from the guards at them. "Come on, ladies. Go!"

They now all quickly do as they were told and get out of the bus. Then I turn to Warner. "Next phase?"

"Star city." She replies. "Time to return home."

It isn't my home, but it doesn't really matter. She sits down in the drivers seat and drives us to Star City.

I still think the name is stupid though. Starling City sounds much better, Haircut.

"We are paying a little visit to the Triad." Chien tells me.

I turn my head a little. "What kind of visit?"

"We're going to friendly ask them where the money is."

"And what if they don't tell us?"

I already know what then, but I need to hear her say it. And she does so. "Then we stop being friendly."

I nod. I haven't been working for the Triad since Chien went to jail. And before that, I was mostly just helping her. We first make a few stops so Chien and her friends can get ready. They were wearing orange jumpsuits after all.

We eventually arrive at a closed Chinese restaurant. Chien and I know how to get in. We do it by using a door at the back of the building. It has a number lock, but we know the code. It's kinda stupid of them not to change it.

We make our way into the basement and walk right into a meeting. I recognise some of the men. One of them recognises us too. "Kate Rory, Chien Na Wei."

We both give them a kind smile, while the two women next to us are on edge. One of the men turns to my sister. "Chien, aren't you supposed to be in jail?"

She smirks. "You should know by now that no jailcell can hold me."

I go straight to the point. "We are looking for something, and we were told you know where it is."

"The depository." Chien clarifies.

They seem to know what we're talking about, but they aren't willing to tell us. "We don't know what you are talking about."

The two ladies behind us are getting impatient. I try the nice way again. "We are willing to do an exchange."

They seem to consider it for a moment, but they're still not up for it. "Like I said, we don't know what you're talking about."

Warner and Cutter give us a questioning look. "They don't want to tell us." Chien translates.

Warner already has enough of it. She takes her gun and shoots one of them. "Tobias Church's money! Where is it!?"

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