14. Ghosts of the past

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We're back in the warehouse. We told Barry and the so called 'nerd army' what happened. "I can't believe that you guys escaped an alien spaceship. Key words: alien spaceship. I have questions." Cisco says.

Robin Hood turns him down. "They can wait." Then he turns to Nate. "Thanks for helping me get my sister home."

"Yeah, man."

"What's our status?" Robin asks the others.

Barry gives him a disappointing answer. "Nothing, since the Dominators paid their little visit to mess with our heads."

"Why would they do that?" Nate asks.

"What if they were trying to pit us against each other, in order to gain intel about meta-humans?" Haircut suggests.

"Man, I wish they would just send us an IM with a questionaire." Felicity says.

"Well, meta's posed the biggest threat to their invasion." Kara points out. "It would make sense they'd want to get to know their enemies."

"By kidnapping people, perhaps they were searching your minds for potential meta-human vulnerabilities." Professor egghead adds.

"But they kidnapped me... I'm a metahuman." I only realise what I said after I said it, so I can't take it back anymore.

"Wait, you're a metahuman!?" Robin Hood asks in shock.

"She is The Ghost actually." Professor egghead says.

I could kill him right now.

Cisco and Barry's eyes are immedietly on me. "Wait, what!?" They say in unision.

Felicity puts it together. "The Ghost... As in the mischievous mystical force that taunted Central City for years?"

"As in the girl with invisiblity and a messed up past that was just trying to survive." I correct her.

Sara takes my hand, and I give her a greatful smile in return. Robin Hood is about to say something, but lucky for me, I have an idea about the current problem. This one doesn't involve mass murder, but it isn't the friendliest idea either.

"How about we kidnap one of them?" After receiving no answer, I add: "Or do you heroes don't do kidnapping?"

"Well, ever since we fought off that one ship, they've kind of been in short supply." Barry tells me.

"Actually, I know where to find one." Nate says. He starts going to the tables with the computers, so I follow him. "I've been reviewing old Army footage of their first encounter with the Dominators, and I think I pegged the fight to Redmond, Oregon 1951."

On the footage he shows us, we see sholdiers getting shot by Dominators. At the end there's even a clear shot of a Dominator.

"You're suggesting we travel to 1951, abduct a Dominator, and interrogate it to determine their intentions." Egghead checks.

Sara is up for it. "They kidnapped us. Seems fair."

"Whoa. Time Travel. I'm definetly in." Cisco says.

Barry decides to step on his dreams. "Okay, hold on, though. Professor Stein and Caitlin have been talking about a way to take down the Dominators. They could probably use your help"

He's not having it. "Pass."

"Yeah, I mean, I'm with him." Felicity adds. "Mostly 'cause I just don't want to lose my geek cred, but time travel!."

"I could take Amaya and Mick." Nate offers. He looks at me and Haircut for a second to ask if we're coming, but we both don't really feel like it.

"Do it." Robin Hood responds. Cisco and Felicity leave with Nate, full of excitement.

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