24. Neil Armstrong who?

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I'm flying through actual space right now. I've done a lot of amazing stuff with this team, but this certainly tops it.

I'm wearing a suit Gideon fabricated for me, so my head won't explode. It's invisible though, just like me. Haircut is flying me towards Apollo 13. Once we reach it, I hold onto the handle on the side.

"You good?" Haircut asks through the comms.

I can't reach my ear, so it's impossible to reply. Instead I turn visible for a breef moment so he gets his answer.

"I'll open the doors from the inside." He says.

I watch how he shrinks to a size in which I can't see him anymore. I hear him talking over the comms, but I'm not listening. I can't so anything anyway. Instead I wait, enjoying the view while I'm at it.

Until he says: "Thawne's here. I'm gonna follow him into the Lunar Module."

"He's gonna land on the moon." Reaper realises.

"Well, I'll stop him." Haircut replies.

I want to bring his attention to me, but I still can't reach the comms. I can only wait.

Sara gives him a warning. "Ray, whatever you do, just don't let Thawne see you."

"Yeah, about that..." He doesn't finish his sentence.

I have a pretty good idea about what that means. I decide to find out if I'm right by climbing to the Lunar Module. It has a large window.

I see how Haircut and Thawne are fighting. "What's happening?" Egghead asks over the comms. "NASA expects radio contact in three minutes."

"We ran into a problem." Sara replies. "If we come back online, you're gonna have to cut the feed."

"Yeah, I'm on it." Kid says.

I'm more worried about Haircut though. He's fighting an evil speedster after all. Although the speedster doesn't seem to have his speed here. Haircut realises it too. "He doesn't have superspeed without gravity."

I see Thawne's lips move. It's probably some sort of evil come back. He takes a knife out of his pockets, one that he could've used earlier already, and attack Haircut.

The fight ends when Haircut blasts Thawne away, causing him to hit a red button. "What's the red button?" He asks over the comms.

"It seperates the LEM from the Command Module." Grandpa Heywood replies.

"That's not good." Haircut realises.

"Dr. Palmer, you're gonna have to fly the LEM." Grandpa tells him.

He seems to have remembered me, because he quickly lets me in. Once I'm inside, I turn visible and take a deep breath. "About time." I mumble.

"I hope you know how to land a spaceship." He says.

"Let's assume I don't."

"Take a seat."

I sit down next to him. Thawne is knocked out at the moment. It's a good look on him.

"Houston, we have a problem." Haircut says. He has his hands on the lever to fly this thing.

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know." Egghead replies. "Jefferson, the entire world is about to listen to Raymond and Ms. Rory crash on the moon."

I hear my brother grunt: "Wait, my sister's on the moon?"

"Guys, I'm gonna need more time. I need you to create a distraction." Kid says.

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