1. We are the Legends

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The Time Masters were an organisation charged with protecting history from rogue time travelers, but they were destroyed.

Under the leadership of Rip Hunter (Grim Reaper) we have taken up their mantle.

Sara Lance, former member of the League of assassins. (Just Sara)

Dr. Raymond Palmer, The Atom. (Haircut)

The arsonist, Mick Rory. (Chucky)

His sister, Kate Rory. The invisible mafia girl. (Me)

And Firestorm, the merged superform of Jefferson Jackson (kid) and Martin Stein (professor egghead).

We are the only ones left to protect history. We are The Legends of Tomorrow.


Kate's P.O.V.

I hate France. I'm wearing a ridiculously fancy dress and my hair is braided in about a million braids. It's almost as awful as that time I was wearing those fake earrings in the 60's.

We're in some royal mansion, France 1637. Me and Sara are in the queen's bedroom, playing maid. I bring her the necklace she asked for.

I'm still debating whether or not I should steel it. Lenny told me to stop stealing and stick with the team, but why can't I just do both?

I decide not to steal it, I don't want to ruin the timeline more than we will already do. The mission hasn't gone wrong yet, but it probably will soon enough.

So I just put the necklace around her neck. "It's beautiful, Your Grace." Sara says.

"As is yours. Who gave it to you?" The queen asks.

Sara grabs her necklace. "My sister." She answers.

"You speak of her as if she's gone."

Sara sends me a grateful smile. It wasn't until now that I realise I took her hand.

When she doesn't get a response, the queen stands up. "It's alright. You don't have to tell me."

When she still doesn't get a response, she walks around us. "You know, I don't often meet such beautiful ladies here." She's standing behind and between us, we can see her in the mirror.

She strokes our arms. Sending a shiver down my spine. I'm doing my best to hide it, but Sara noticed. I can see she's tempted too.

"Your husband-" I start, but she doesn't let me finish.

"Enjoys the company of his male courtiers. Why should I be denied similar... pleasures?" The last part, I barely understold since she whispered it in Sara's ear.

"Can we?" Sara whispers in my ear.

I know we should probably be responsible, make sure Anne (I believe that's the queens name) is safe and then help the rest of the team out. But I have faith in the team and I know they can do this without us.

So I nod, turn around and kiss the queen. The second I open my mouth, she slips her tongue inside. I feel a hand on my back, I recognise it as Sara's. Anne lets out a moan and pulls back, to breath. I see Sara is kissing the queen's neck.

Anne turns around and kisses Sara. I stand back and bite my bottom lip in anticipation. Who knew Anne of Austria was that hot. And Sara, well, she's always just perfect.

Sara leads the queen to the bed. She grabs my wrist to bring me along. Before I fully realise what's happening, I'm lying on the bed, Sara's lips are on mine and the queens lips are on my colarbone. Clothes are going everywhere, until we're all in our underwear and I can't bring myself to do anything but to moan.

Lotus (Legends Of Tomorrow - Sara Lance)Where stories live. Discover now