6. Japan

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We're walking through the foggy woods. At night. I'd be lying if I said it doesn't freak me out a little. "The signal from Ray's A.T.O.M. suit is getting stronger." Sara announces.

"Doesn't exacly look inviting, does it?" Amaya asks.

"It's like Ninja III: The Domination." Chucky points out. I never watched that movie... maybe I should.

"Never took you for a cinephile." Sara says.

"All I know is ninja's like to hide in trees. Like this little ninja." Chucky ruffles my hair at that last part. I become invisible and hit him on the back of his head. He grunts in response.

Amaya ignores me. "I don't see anything."

I become visible again behind her to startle her. "Exacly." She jumps up a bit and I laugh. "You don't find them, they find you."

She turns to me. "Just because your brother nicknamed you Ninja," Then she turns to Chucky. "Or you saw ninja's in a movie, that doesn't make them real."

Sara speaks up too. "I have to side with Kate and Mick on this one. They're real."

"You think there's a secret brotherhood of men, trained in the art of assassination?" Amaya asks.

I'm struggling to hold in my laughter, because we just won this.

"I hate to break it to you Amaya, but I'm basically a ninja." Sara replies.

Now I'm not even trying to hold in my laughter anymore. My brother isn't either.

Amaya sighs. "I miss the JSA."

I want to tell her: 'Then go back there', but I decide against it. I can try to be a little bit nice.

So we just keep walking, until we arrive at a house, or whatever it's called in here. "Ray's close. Look sharp." Sara tells us while we walk through a hallway.

We open a door to see Haircut in his suit. He's just standing there with his back at us. "Haircut, let's get out if here." I say.

"We're saving your ass again." Chucky adds.

He turns around, but it's not Haircut. "It's you who need rescuing." The mistery person says.

A guy in a normal armor steps in front of him. "You are already defeated before you have even begun. I have been trained in the art of war by Shimura himself."

Sara looks at me. "You or me?" She asks.

I realise I only have a knife and that guy has a sword. "You got this." I reply.

She nods and steps forward. "League of Assassins, class of '09." She breaks her bo staff in two, so she has two batons. "Don't take it easy on me."

With that they start fighting. I watch closely. The guy hits Sara in the face after a while, but she shakes it off and takes another shot at him.

Eventually Amaya stops watching. She uses the so called 'totem', which causes a blue lion to appear around her. She uses the lion to push the guy to the ground. It's like what I saw the present Vixen do on TV.

The guy wearing Haircut's suit isn't defeated yet, so I turn invisible and run at him. When I hit him, he looks confused, but shakes it off. Then he blasts the others on the ground. The blast also hits me on the arm, which hurts suprisingly much.

I run to the others and help them up. "We gotta go." I say. Then we run away. I grab Sara's hand to let her know I'm with them.

In the hall, we find the real Haircut. He's as cheery as ever. "Ow, hey guys!"

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