25. Stuck in Space

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October 1997

Destiny has been staying with us for a month now. Nobody besides from Ms. Ngan knows she's here, and Ms. Ngan won't tell anyone. She's probably the only person here that I fully trust.

She isn't loyal to the triad or to Zhishan. She's just a teacher. She's simple. Destiny, on the other hand, isn't so simple. I killed her father, but she still doesn't know. What I don't know is why I treat her different from others. Why I care so much about her.

After another long 'training session' with Chien, I go back to my room. Chien and I told Zhishan we were training, but we were actually just watching movies and eating popcorn.

I enter my room and fall on the bed extremely hard. "Aauw." I hear from under my bed.

Destiny appears from underneath. "What was that for?"

I don't reply, I just laugh. She takes a pillow and throws it at me. I easily dodge it. Playing along, I take a pillow too and throw it at her. Which she catches.

A pillow fight breaks loose. She always seems to catch the pillows, but I do manage to hit her in the face with them a couple of times. Just like she threw a couple of pillows into my face.

In between our giggles, I manage to tackle her and throw three pillows at her. But once I get too close, she tackles me and I fall on top of her. The giggles stop and our faces are now only two inches apart.

Her raven colored hair is spread out on the floor and her dark eyes are even darker than usual. Almost dangerous. But it's her lips that catch my attention. They look so soft and sweet.

I can't help but bring my face closer to hers. Her eyes widen, but she doesn't pull away. Instead she takes my ponytail in her hand, directing my lips towards hers.

My brain stops functionning, but somehow I know exactly what to do. I close my eyes and let her lips touch mine. The moment it happens, I feel a spark through my whole body. The only thing I want is for this moment to last forever.

But the moment I pull back to breath, reality hits me. I just kissed someone for the first time. And it wasn't a boy, it was a girl. That she's a girl isn't that bad, but I killed her dad. That's bad. I quickly stand up and stumble backwards.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

I want to answer her, but the words refuse to leave my mouth.

Since she doesn't get an answer, she guesses. "You never kissed a girl before?"

"I never kissed anyone before."

Her eyes widen now too. This is when I realise, I can't do this. I have to tell her the truth. I have to scare her actually. If she runs to the police, I'm in big trouble.

"I need to tell you something." It's barely a whisper, but she heard it.

"You're not gay?"

I shake my head. "I don't know and it doesn't matter. It's something else." I pat the spot next to me on my bed. She sits down.

"You're gonna hate me after I tell you this, but you can't go to the police. They'll kill you if you do. Are you sure you want me to tell you?"

Shock takes over her features as she moves away from me a little, but she doesn't back down. "Yes. Tell me what?"

"Your dad. I killed him." Those words are easier to say than I expected. It doesn't mean that I enjoyed saying them though.

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