Chapter Ten: Pranking the Turtles

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Ichi's P.O.V.

I looked up to hear someone tapping on my window. Two figures stood on the fire escape. As I looked closely, they revealed to be Alopex and Leatherhead. "Sorry about all that, Ichi." Alopex apologized in a quiet tone. "It's all my fault that you'd have to do this."

I shook my head at her statement.

"It's not your fault. It's Draxum's. When my deal with him is over, and I get my dad back, I'll free the two of you from him."

Leatherhead sighed. "Well, would you like to go out with us and patrol with us tonight? It might clear your head."

I accepted his offer. I put on some training clothes that would fit me as a mutant. I tried to shift into a lizard mutant, but I felt that similar pain from that time with April, but it felt stronger merged with the negativity I felt.

My arm had dark veins slowly covering my hand, and it started turning black and sharp. I tried to control the pain and the anger, leaving my right arm was only black. It still hurt, however. I tore a strip of cloth to conceal some of the darkness spreading over my arm.

After arranging the pillows on my bed to look like I was sleeping, I jumped out my window as the three of us leapt over the rooftops. We jumped from rooftop to rooftop, until we all landed on the roof of one tall building. Alopex gave us all matching purple masks.

"So, what mischief are we getting ourselves into?" Leatherhead said, rubbing his scaly palms together. I didn't really like his tone, and turned to Alopex- only to see her nodding in agreement with a smug grin. "The best way to clear one's mind is to get into trouble while having fun," she calmly said. The three of us stayed on the rooftop, pondering what small crime we would end up committing.

"How about throwing eggs on the Statue of Liberty?" I suggested. "Too boring," Alopex shook her head, with her claw lightly tapping her chin.

"Hacking Batman's cave? So that his automobile collapses?" Leatherhead asked.

"Do you want to have a bad time?" I asked Leatherhead, who looked off to the side as if he had already done something he shouldn't have done...

3rd P.O.V.

Meanwhile, in the Bat Cave...

Bruce Wayne groggily walked over to his mobile; a mug of coffee in hand. Only wearing his mask and in his heart-shaped underwear, he clicked his opening button to the mobile. The great Batman dropped his coffee mug in a nasty surprise to see his car, currently beaten up and covered in graffiti, saying "Leatherhead wuz here!"

Batman angrily stomped his foot and yelled, "LEATHERHEAD!!!"

Ichi's P.O.V.

We were still brainstorming ideas. Alopex snapped her fingers, meaning that she had found an idea. She pulled Leatherhead and I together, and as the three of us stayed huddled, she whispered, "How about... we sneak into the turtle's lair, and leave a little... surprise for them?"

That was an unbelievably interesting plan. "We can't guys, it's wrong to probe into peop- mutants' homes..."

A few minutes later...

I led them to the manhole to the lair. I couldn't stop thinking if this would be a bad idea... We three mutants went down the ladder until we appeared at the skating area. I tiptoed to Leo's room, only to see him sleeping. I signaled to the others to be extremely quiet. I brought out my spray cans and wrote on the wall, "Foot Cadet", since I was part of the Foot Clan now. Turning back to look at Leo sleeping, I thought, He's so cute...

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