Chapter Two: The Orange Turtle

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Ichi's P.O.V.

I decided to go looking for Dad after I pick up Sakura from school. I walked Sakura home and dropped her off at the door. I turned to leave when Sakura called me.

"Where are you going?" Sakura asked me.

"Um, I am going to April's house." I said, partially lying. I was actually thinking of talking to April about all this mutant business.

"But, we really need to spend quality sister time together." She whined.

"Sorry, San (her nickname), but I have to do big girl things." I got out my phone to text April.

"Okay" she muttered. I kissed her on the forehead and left. April had texted me her address. Once I reached her door, I knocked and she happily opened the door for me.

When we had both settled on the couch, Mayhem jumped onto my lap and lay down for a nap.

"April, something has been bothering me these last few days," I started. "And friends tell each other everything, right?"

"Yes." She said.

"I think I am a mutant."

"What?!" Mayhem's ears perked up.
"It happened a couple nights ago, and when I saw you with some mutants last morning..."

"Can you demonstrate your mutant self?" She asked.
"Um, okay, I will try.." I focused really hard on turning into a mutant. Why was it hurting more than usual? A low growl erupted from my throat.

Mayhem started growling, and April was staring in fear at me. I was growing taller than usual. I felt long teeth growing from my mouth. My clothes began to rip as I was morphing into a monster.

My fingers became longer and sharper, as well as my frill-ears, like long spikes. My tail did the thing from last night; it shifted into multiple tails, but they were longer.

I then felt a sharp, agonizing pain. I collapsed on the floor with April calling my name. I then felt this other sharp burst of energy, and got into a feral pose to attack April. I just couldn't control myself.

My mouth slowly opened, aiming at her. Suddenly tentacles emerged from my mouth. I let out an eerie, space-alien like screech. One caught her leg and was pulling her inside my mouth.

Mayhem teleported under my chin, punching me. I was dazed. The tentacles retracted to my throat, releasing April. And I kneeled on the floor, looking at the mess I had made. I began sobbing when April came to comfort me.

"There, there, it's okay. It's not your fault. You couldn't control it." My phone began ringing. I picked it up to see my mom sending a message.

Mom: Can you buy some pizza on the way home?

"Are you okay enough to leave now? Maybe stay here a little while?" April asked tenderly.

"Yeah. Besides, Mom gets worried when I don't arrive on time." I smiled a little bit.

"Okay, but you can change into some of my clothes."

"Thanks." I changed into her hoodie and a pair of jeans and left. Why did I act like that? I wondered. There was a pizzeria around the corner. I decided to buy a pizza from there. I used an alleyway shortcut to get home. As I was walking out, I bumped into this large figure wearing orange. He was also holding a pizza, but it was now knocked over on his chest. My hoodie was covering my face, so he didn't know who I was.

"Hey! That was a perfectly good pizza gone to waste!" He exclaimed. He then kneeled down on its spilled remains on the pavement and started making an overdramatic scene over it. "Why, oh, why, did such a beautiful angel have to be taken away from me?!" I noticed he had a shell on his back with some orange markings on it. He even seemed to have forgotten that I was still there.

"Um... sorry?" He turned around and let out a huge gasp, then his arms started searching his face frantically. "Uh, um, you didn't see anything!" The figure then ran away. "Hey! Wait! I'm sorry!" I saw he dove down a manhole from behind a corner. I sighed and dropped the pizza by the manhole, as an apology. I don't know why, but I felt like I had met him before. I then went back to buy another pizza.

I used a different path, because it was getting really late. Unfortunately, the smell of fresh pizza attracted street thugs from around. One pinned my neck to the wall. "Give me that! I'm starving!"

A few others appeared, but I wasn't having it. "You want it? Come and get it!" I focused on morphing into the mutant lizard thingy, and pushed the thug who had me on the wall to hit the other wall in the alley. The others came charging for me, but my tail split into its many tails, this time the feathers were like long porcupine quills.

I charged towards them, my tails picking them up and flinging them around. However, they kept coming, and I was surrounded by many evil men. I then heard a yell above me. "Cowabunga!"

The orange figure from earlier came leaping from the rooftops down to the alley, where we were. He was swinging a kusari-fundo. I should know, because I studied mythical Japanese weapons back at home.

He took out the three men in front of me and then I took the ones that were distracted.

By the end of the fight, most of them were unconscious while the few that were still conscious fled. "Hey. Thanks!" I said to him. "No problem." he said as he turned to leave. "Wait!" I tried to stop him. "What is your name?"

My phone started ringing, and then it went to voicemail. "Ichi? Ichi, where are you? It's getting late!" My mom said through the phone.

"Err, I gotta go-" I said. "Mikey."


"My name is Mikey." I nodded in acknowledgement as I climbed up the wall with my lizard-like claws.

"Wait!" I stopped as he gave me back the pizza.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome!" As he left, it occurred to me that I met some sort of a- mutant turtle thingy. I carried the pizza inside the hoodie as I rushed over the rooftops for home. I morphed back into my human form. I was getting the hang of it so quickly!

I knocked our door, and Mom opened it. "Finally, what took you so long? I hope you didn't get lost." I was about to speak until San snatched the pizza from my hands.

"It's cold." she complained. "I'm tired", I told Mom. "I'll go to bed." I rushed to my room before she could start commenting on the now-ripped-not-my-own clothes that I was wearing. Late in the night, I could hear her crying over Dad. I sure hope he is okay. Since I can now defend myself from mutants, I can go looking for him tomorrow, after school.

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x Mutant Lizard ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now