OC Info

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A/N: Nothing much here, either, just information on the main characters which I created for this fanfiction. I will update these characters later on in the book when the time is right!

Also, I don't really have VA headcannons right now, but please comment if you have actors in mind that could be the characters' headcannon voice actors.

Name: Watanabe Ichika

Nickname(s): Ichi, Anika

Gender: Female

Race: (Human) Afro-Asian, Wolf Yōkai/ Lizard Mutant

Age: 14

Weapon(s): Chakram ring (formerly), Double sided scythe

Personality: Strong, caring, kind, confident, sassy, and sometimes naive

Power(s)/ Special abilities:

Shapeshifting (any form)



Enhanced strength

Enhanced speed

Can climb smooth surfaces

Name: Watanabe Sakura

Nickname(s): Saki, San, Sanflower

Gender: Female

Race: (Human) Afro-Asian, Wolf / kitsune yōkai

Age: 11

Weapon(s): Naginata (pole with blade), shuriken(throwing stars)

Personality: sassy, childish, caring, fun-loving, straightforward, and daring

Power(s)/ Special Abilities:

Shapeshifting (only into kitsune, fox, human, or anthro fox)

Enhanced strength

Enhanced speed

Chaos (can bend reality)


Name: Watanabe Thomas (Kagerou)

Nickname(s): Tom, Tommy, Rourou, Mazoku

Gender: Male

Race: (Human) Japanese, Cursed Wolf yōkai

Age: 48

Weapon(s): Wakizashi (curved sword)

Personality: caring, loving, strong, dad

Power(s)/ Special Abilities:

Dark yurei

Enhanced speed and strength

Wolf form makes a howl that destroys everything in its path

Name: Watanabe Carina

Nickname(s): Carine, Carrie, Rina

Gender: Female

Race: African American

Age: 46

Weapon(s): N/A

Personality: Kind, caring, sarcastic, strong-willed

Power(s)/ Special Abilities: N/A

Name: Fukuro Kajiya

Nickname(s): Jiya, Kuro

Gender: Male

Race: Owl yōkai

Age: 40

Weapon(s): Yumi (Bow and arrow)

Personality: Spunky, confident, strong, courageous, and intelligent

Power(s)/ Special Abilities:


Bends fire and air

Enhanced speed 

Edit: I also kinda forgot two other recurring characters... Hehe, oops....

Name: Yang

Nickname(s): Yan-yan, Yang-san

Gender: Male

Race: Chinese

Age: 16

Weapon(s): Double hand-sickles

Personality: Outgoing, optimistic, friendly, positive and generally extroverted

Power(s)/ Special Abilities:

Shapeshifts into a white tiger

Bends air and creates large winds through his roar

Can merge powers with his twin sister, Yin to create a yin yang symbol with immense power

Name: Yin

Nickname(s): Yi-yi, Yumi

Gender: Female

Race: Chinese

Age: 16

Weapon(s): Large chain

Personality: Edgy, negative, often pessimistic, and generally introverted

Power(s)/ Special Abilities:

Shapeshifts into a dark Asian dragon

Creates dark holes and portals that can suck people into dangerous, twisted dimensions

Can merge powers with her twin brother, Yang, to create a yin yang symbol with immense power

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