Chapter Eleven: Teenage Mutant Ninja Humans

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A/N: Credit to the artist who made this!

Ichi's P.O.V.

I skateboarded to the turtle's lair after school since it's Friday. Thanks to Mikey, I was already almost a pro with skateboarding skills. Zac had asked me to the upcoming prom, and I was getting really excited; although it was going to be a few months away.

Half a week later, I had been reluctantly helping the Foot Clan gather the pieces for their 'Dark Armor'. I've even learned a few tricks up my sleeve with my powers, and I wanted to show them a little surprise. However, I still had a strip of cloth around my now-black-veined arm. Just have to act like I had gotten injured.

Once I had arrived at the lair, April was on her phone on the couch, while the turtles were dully moping around.

"What happened?" I asked, setting my school backpack down.

"They're just moody," April said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, guys, I have a surprise for you," I said with a playful tone in my voice. "Unless you have a pizza tower, I'm not interested," Mikey sulked.

Ignoring all the protests, I pulled out a brochure about a beach in Miami. "My mom allowed me to stay with April for the weekend," I winked at April. "We should go on an aqua-venture! Since you're turtles, there really should be no problem!"

"Okay! That'll be a lot of fun!" Mikey perked up. He and his brothers led me further to the sewers and jumped into the dirty sewer water.

"This is where we have our underwater fun!" He blew bubbles into the water playfully. I just shook my head.

"This will not do. A little too unsanitary for me."

"Do you have anything else in mind, Ichi?" Leo asked. "Actually, I do! Could you please open a portal to Florida? I'll explain everything there."

The red-eared slider questionably opened up a portal and the rest of us leapt into it and reappeared on a beach in Florida. The warm feeling of the sun greeted my human skin and I smiled. Meanwhile, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, and Leo jumped into a sun umbrella and tried to hide from any passing members.

April brought out a chair and relaxed herself in the sun. "Aaah, finally," she exhaled.

"Ichi, in case you haven't noticed, we're not humans," Raph nervously pointed out the obvious. "I know that," I picked up the umbrella, which contained all four turtles, and hid behind the little cabins in the beach.

The five of us formed a circle, and I held Donnie and Leo's hands, focusing on all their transformations. Yellow sparks flowed through my arms and spread all over the others. A few moments later, they themselves had turned into humans.

"Whoa!" They all gasped in unison. "Huh, my idea worked!" I said, mostly to myself.

"Ohmigosh! I have five fingers!" Mikey exclaimed, holding his hand out for the rest of them to adorn. Leo slicked his dreadlocks backwards and smirked at me, and I chuckled lightly while shaking my head.

"Aw, yeah, baby! Check out these human guns!" Raph stuck different poses with his arms. I laughed at their behavior.

"Go on, guys! Go have human fun!" I urged them. They all cast me a grateful look before immediately scattering about the beach for the day. A small feeling came over me that this might have been a bad idea.

Shaking the feeling off of me, I joined April basking in the sun, until Donnie strolled around the beach. He jumped in between a family taking a picture, striking a peace sign with his fingers until the father chased him out. The teen jumped into the sand and made a sand angel. Once he was done with his fun, Donnie slapped sunscreen on his arms, legs, butt, and face.

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