Healing Touch

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I awoke to a sweet pressure on my forehead, I sighed and relaxed. I slowly opened my eyes, and winced against the light of the fire. I opened them again and this time it didn't hurt. I knew I was still weak. I looked around, and I noticed a figure sitting in a chair beside the fire. I slowly tried to sit up, I gasped in pain. Immediately the figure was up and beside me.

"Daniel... I-Is that you?" I asked and looked up into his darken face. I reached out my hand and he took it in his.

"It's me... How do you feel?" He asked and grabbed a glass of water from a tray. I took a sip, it felt so good running down my dry throat.

"I feel so weak, and tired. But still my power is wanting me to get up and do things, like I need to release some energy from inside." I said, laying down against the pile of pillows that were propped up.

"If you want I kind of hurt my arm while doing things today." He told me, while he rolled up his sleeve.

Scratches ran down his arm, I lightly ran my finger tips across them. I saw the light flow out of my hand and heal his wounds. Daniel gasped in shock. After, I was done, I finally felt better. My eyes slowly started to close.

Daniel kissed my forehead, "Good night, Evangeline." I heard him whisper to me. I then fell asleep to him running his hand through my hair...

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