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I was surprised when I saw Evangeline at the ball. She looked amazing, knowing I truly love her. Every time I see her, my skips a beat. Dancing with her so close to me, knowing she was my mate. And nothing was going to get in the way of that again.

I could never leave her, or have her hurt again. Seeing my younger brother sort of having a liking to her made me jealous. I ask her to dance with me, and as I was dancing I thought, how could she be here right now? Spending time with her, was nice until she screamed.

Thinking I had done something to her, I jump up and step back. Seeing her body change into her tiger. During this process, she passed out. Her white tiger body was spread out across the bed. I looked down at her, making sure she was breathing. And thankfully she was.

I then hear a knock on the door. I slowly walk to the door, and see my mother standing outside. Worry was written all over her face.

"I heard a scream, what happened?" I open the door, letting her see Eve passed out on the bed.

"We didn't watch the time, I'm guessing." I answer.

Sighing, "Okay. Make sure you and her watch it next time. Also, you need to get some rest. Because you all are leaving in the morning." I nod, understanding.

"Well, goodnight and love you." I give her a hug, and I shut the door behind her. Walking into the closet, I change into short and a light t-shirt.

I shift into my tiger, and curl up beside Eve on the bed. Falling asleep, wondering how tomorrow was going to go.

I woke up to someone knocking on the door. Eve was still beside me, her white fur all ruffled from sleeping. Her blue eyes, were staring at me. I stared back, and licked her on the nose. I shifted, and began to pack my bags, and hers.

An hour passed by and I was finally done getting everything together. Eve and I headed down to the stables to see if Eric, and the others were there. And of they were, already having their horses out and ready.

"Where have you guys been?" Eric asked. I look down to Eve, and she wouldn't look at me. "I had some trouble with Eve. I was packing for her, and she kept stopping me. Because she didn't like what I was bringing for her." I explained to all of them.

All of them smiled, and started to laugh at us. James and Eric were ready to go, and so was I after I hooked up the bags to my horse.

We were soon off to Snicker's Woods. Kicking our horses into a gallop, while Eve ran along side us. Not slowing down until we reached the end of my land. Crossing over the border into the snowy woods. We stopped right outside, and changed into warmer clothes.

My mother had said we should only take one horse to carry all the things. James volunteered to ride first, and then it was my turn. I shifted, and stood beside Eve. Again we were off, this time we went slowly. Trying to save our energy for the night.

It was about mid-day when it began to snow. All of us trying to stick together, and not loose each other. Sometimes I would look behind me and not see Eve. I would panic, and then I would see. Her beautiful was a curse in this snow.

Eve kept blending in with the snow, and it was hard for all us. Also, we couldn't find the trail because of the snow. James walking the horse, not letting go of him. I walked beside him making sure he wouldn't get hut. That's when Eric chuffed, and I looked up to see him.

Next to un opening to a cave, and I chuffed back. Letting him know we should stay here for the night. I brushed up against James leg, leading him into the cave. It was dark and somewhat warm in the cave. It was a big cave, leading downward to a nice opening.

(Evangeline's POV)

I shifted, helping James unload the horse. And get all our stuff of the horse to dry. I looked around, and started to grab small rocks to make a fire ring. Daniel comes in with fire wood, and it was wet. Sighing, and placing my hands over my the wood. Breathing in and out, casting a spell to start the fire. Seeing a spark light the fire, and it went into ablaze. Standing up, and seeing James was gone.

"Where did he go?" I asked Daniel.

"He went to get some meat." He says, laying down some blanket beside the fire. I sit down on one of the blankets, staring into the fire.

"I wonder how far we have now?" I asked. "We probably have a couple more days to go." Daniel said, sitting down on one of the blankets beside me.

I look over at him, "I hope this goes smoothly." I whispered, twisting the blanket in my hands.

"I hope so too." He said, taking my hands in his.

That's when we hear James come back, and he had two rabbits.

"Dinner is served." About an hour later, and we finished dinner. I had to shift back into my tiger.

Laying down, and sitting my head on my paws. Staring at Daniel and James as they talk about the weather. Saying that we should possibly stay for another day until it clears up.

I raised my head, chuff. Saying it didn't agree to this, "Eve, we have too. If it gets that bad, one of us could possible die." I growl, knowing he was right. Laying my head back down.

James and Daniel finally shift and lay down. We all sleep as the snow storm rages on outside of our little cave.

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