I'm BACK!!!!!

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(Okay, here I go! Finishing up this book! Changing the ending for all of you! Enjoy!)

I awake to the sound of rocks falling, my head raising up as I look around. Seeing James and Daniel still sleeping not hearing the sounds I was hearing. Just shaking it off, about to lay my head back down when I heard it again. Looking around again, this time it sounded like it was coming outside. Snow was still falling, knowing Daniel and James were right about having or going to stay here another night. Unless we wanted to leave the horse here and come back for him later. Or just let him go. 

Slowly, I rise, walking to the entrance of the cave, everything was white. Snow white. Barely making out trees and bushes. A rock suddenly fell from above me, making me jump back, yelping a little. Slowly walking back out and I look up to just see the top of the cave. I walk out of the cave, the wind wiping up my fur and snow getting in my eyes. Trying to push through the snow to make it to the top, having to bring out my claws to keep myself from falling off the rocks. 

Climbing up the side of the cave, making it to the top. My breathing a little off but still made it. Looking around, feeling the snow stop falling around me. Gasping as I see a cloaked figure standing at the edge. Which the person slowly turned staring at him, "Hello, little tiger. What are you doing all the way out here?" 

I sat down, curious to how she was so calm at seeing a tiger in the middle of the snowy forest. Who are you? I thought in my head, while suddenly she chuckled taking off her hood. Seeing graying black hair, green eyes, and pale, wrinkly skin. "You wish to know who I am. But do you not recognize me?" 

Sitting there dumbfounded. How?

"Oh, you really don't recognize me. Not the matter. Let's go meet your friends down in the cave. They will hopefully be more of use to me instead of you."

I growled at her, stopping her in her path, not wanting her to get to James and Daniel. Not knowing what she would do to them. She quirked an eyebrow at me, "Are you threatening me, little tiger? If you are, you are messing with the wrong elderly lady."

The next thing I know, I feel something rip threw me. Crying out in a roar, which turned to a human scream. Falling to the ground, ice cold snow hitting my bare skin for the first time. Teeth chattering, trying to control it, but couldn't. Then I suddenly realized I was human again. "Why? How?"

"You see I am a gifted spell caster for your kind. And I thought your mother would have taught you then to growl at your grandmother?"


My mind confused, "But all of my family members are dead. That is what my father told me before I was abandoned at an orphanage." I whisper, still shaking the snowy wind coming down at me. Seeing that I was buck naked, since my clothes mysteriously disappeared.

"What?" She gasped out, slowly untying her cloak around her neck. Quickly draping it over my shoulders. Trying to get warm again, when suddenly I heard someone calling out my name. Head raising, "They are looking for me."

"Then I will leave you. I will leave, little tiger."


But she was already gone, disappearing into the snowy forest. Blending in. I try to stand up, but my legs give out from the cold snow numbing them. "Eve!" I hear Daniel cry, my mate crying out. Wanting to find me, not going to stop unless he saw me safe. A tear slipped down my cheek, confused again. "I'm here!" I finally cry out. Seeing a white tiger and a black panther leap over the top of the rocks.

"Eve!" Daniel cried, shifting as he wraps his arms around me. Shivering against he warm body which was clothed, wondering I could have shifted into being bucked naked.

"How are you like this?" He asked, wrapping his cloak around me but in the front, then gently picked me up. My body not able to stop shaking, eyes slowly freezing over, a soft cough escaping past my lips.

"It was..."

My body turned numb and I wasn't able to finish my sentence as I let the darkness over take me.

*Flashback to Eve's childhood*

"Eve, your mother has passed."

Those were the first words I had heard that dreadful day come out of my father's mouth. Returning from school to find out that your mother had passed while you had been learning, trying to impress her with the next A on the test or homework.

A tear trickled down my cheek, my feeling numb. Could I really believe my drunk of a father that my mother was gone. "I don't believe you!" I cried out to him. Slamming my hands against the dinner table where I had just sat down my bag full of things.

Running out of the house, hiding in the forest. Going to my hiding spot when my father would become a scary monster that would haunt my dreams. Crying my eyes out, my sniffles could possibly be heard over the wind, which was making the leaves fall around me. Winter was coming, and how could I celebrate Christmas without my mother, and my 7th birthday coming up.

We were going to go get a horse for my birthday, at least I was going to the local barn to learn how to ride. Which my mother wanted me to do before I went to a fancy school when I would get older to become an educated daughter. To not grow up like her, but that was changed now.

"Eve!" I heard my father yell out through the forest. Trying to find me as night began to set in here. But I stayed where I was not wanting to go back to the house, not the place where I would never see my mother standing at the front door with a smile on her face. Coming home to pie in the stone oven, my father actually having a smile on his face.

Everything had changed for the worst, more tears fell down my face. Trying to wipe them away, and that very day. I vowed I would get an education and to work hard for my dreams. To become someone my mother would have wanted me to be....


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