So Close

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It soon became a slow song. Watching as Jinger and Adde ran off, when I felt a tap on the shoulder. Looking to see Daniel, "May I have this dance?" Smiling, I placed my hand on his.

"You may!" I answered, while my other hand went to his shoulder while his wen tot my waist. Daniel had chosen the song, So Close. (Disney Song) Swaying back in forth, twirling around a couple of times. Daniel pulled me closer. Laying my head on his chest.

"Eve, are you back to normal? Or are we still going to go on this quest?" Sighing, "No, Emily and Jean made a potion that will let me be human for a couple of hours. And I'm still going on this quest. I need too. Jean explained it to more to me. She's says that all of the healers had to go through a quest to become who they are today. I feel this is it..." I said.

Looking into his eyes. He just smiled at me, as we danced across the floor. Soon the song ended, and Daniel walked us back over to his family.

"Girls, say goodnight to Evangeline." I heard Emily say to me, telling me my two hours were almost up. Sighing, I gave them a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

Daniel looked at me, confused. I waved my hand at him. "Let me escort you back." He said, before Eric could ask. When he saw him about too. I just laughed at them.

Daniel took my arm in his as we went out through the garden. Taking a short cut to his room. "What was that thing between you and mother?" He asked, as his brown eyes stared at me.

"Your mother and Jean found a somewhat cure for me. I can shift back to myself for only two hours in a day. That's all I don't know what will happen I didn't shift back. Jean said I shouldn't find out, so that's why I needed to head back." I explained to him.

As we came to his door, opening it for me. Suddenly, I was pushed up against the door with my hands locked above mine. Daniel stood in front of me grinning.

"Then I guess I only have a couple of minutes..." Smiling, I shut him up with a kiss. Letting my hands drop into his soft hair. Deepening the kiss, hearing myself moan. Tongue slipping into his mouth. Jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist. My dress slipping up, and having his hands on my bare things. Feeling as Daniel carried me over to the bed. Laying down as he began to kiss up my neck.

When suddenly pain exploded through out my body. Screaming, I rolled away. Landing on the floor, kneeling. Daniel was staring at me, not know what to do. A scream/roar erupted from me as my body shifted. Passing out from the pain of it all.

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