Royal Ball

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A couple days later, and it was time for the Royal Ball. Celebrating the beginning of our journey. We all were taking a break from my training. Currently I was in Daniel's room, watching him put on a dark red tie. With that tie he wore, a black tuxedo.

I almost started drooling when I saw how hot he was. Laying on his bed, jealous because I was going to be stuck here. They didn't want me to go down, and scare the villagers that still weren't sure about us shifters.

He saw me staring at him, smiling at me. He walked over to me, scratching me under the chin. Making me purr, I really didn't know why this spot that was being scratched felt so good. He then leaned down, kissing me on my head.

"I will be back later, promise!" He whispered.

I growled at him, letting him know I understood him. Daniel then left, leaving me in his room, alone. I was about to take a nap, when I heard knocking on the bedroom door. I roared, letting them know they could come in. Jean, Emma, and Emily hurriedly walked in.

Locking the door behind them, in Emma's arms she held a clothing bag. In Jean's hands was a potion with a spell book. I looked at them puzzled. Growling, letting them know. I wanted to know what they were going to do.

"Evangeline, we came up with a spell more like a reversal curse. This spell will let you turn into a human for two hours. We are going to try it on you." Jeans said.

I stood up, jumping off to the ground. Pawing at the floor in front of them.

"Okay, here we go..." Jean poured the bottle of blue liquid all over me, and then she began to whisper the spell.

Suddenly, I felt myself shifting. It felt like before, and I roared out in pain. The roar then became a scream. Opening my eyes to find Jean and Emily staring at me. Standing up on shaky legs, and I looked over at the bag. I still wore my training clothes from when I became my tiger a couple of days ago. "I am going to the ball!"

They both just stood there, shocked. I clapped my hangs, laughing at them. They both then got into action, getting me ready for the ball in record time.

I soon wore a dark red dress, it was a mermaid style dress with one strap. It was floor length dress, and sparkles on one side of the top. Along with it I wore, a simple diamond bracelet and necklace. And sliver heels with it. Having my waist length black hair curled to my mid-back. Putting on some light make up. Soon I was ready for the ball. "

You look amazing, Evangeline! Daniel doesn't know how lucky he is!" His mother said.

"Thank you. Thank you both for making this happen." I said.

Giving them both a hug. "Now, let's get you down to the ball before my husband and children wonder where I am." Emily said, with a laugh.

As we walked down the ball room, my nerves began to come over me. Seeing tons of people walking beside us, trying to get to the same place we were going. Guards stood at the door, opening them and call out people's names.

"This is where we leave you, Evangeline. We will see you down there." Emily said, going down the hallway with Jean. Looking forward, watching as people were called out.

Soon, it was my turn, butterflies were going crazy in my stomach. "Miss, what is your name to be called?" Asked one of the guards.

Smiling at him, "It's Evangeline King." I said. Walking to the doors, watching them open in front of me. Staring down at the beautiful, golden and black ball room.

It was filled with people, talking and people dancing in the center. Finally, I saw Daniel and his brother. They were with their parents, standing beside them. As the King and Queen sat in their thrones, smiling at everything.

Hearing my name being called, Daniel whipped around staring at me with shock. Smiling, I just stared at Daniel. He was now walking to me.

Meeting me in the center of the dance floor. Looking up into his brown eyes, "How... Evangeline. Are you really here?" He asked.

His hand coming to my cheek, as he stared down at me. " Taking his hands in mine.

"Yes, it's me." I laughed, reaching up and kissing his cheek. He then wrapped an arm around my waist. Walking to where his family was, but suddenly I felt to pairs of arms wrap around me.

"Eve!" They squealed. Letting go of Daniel, and giving them a hug. "Hello... Why both of you look stunning!" I said with a smile.

They wore blue dresses, their blonde hair curled. "Eve, will you dance with us?" Adde asked.

"Please..." Jinger commented. Both of them gave me their puppy eyes.

"Yes, come on!" I said. Taking their hands in mine, leading them into the dance floor. Laugh at each other, as we danced for a couple of songs.

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