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It's been a day or has it been two....

I can't really remember, the days pass quite fast while working with her. I've been taught so much, and so much more. I've learned to contain my power, and I shift into a tiger on my own also. 

Our lesson today is more about healing. Sharing powers with a creature. She explained to me as we walk out in the snowy forest. "So, how is this lesson going to go?" I asked, walking beside her. My grandmother was strange women, I do have to say. 

She was shorter than me, gray hair on top of her head always in a neat braid down her back. And she had brown eyes, always kind. She walked with a cane, a limp. Having fallen from a tree in her younger days, sharing that story with me. The question that I always want to ask her is how she has lived this long. Also, was strange was that she never gave me her name. Just wanted me to call her grandmother, and that was that. 

"You will have to find a life source. Something that lives and can sustain the power of getting drained of health. For example, a deer would be best." I raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Why a deer? I thought I could heal off of my own powers. And some other creature's life force. Wouldn't it be cruel? I don't want to kill another creature." I say. Not wanting to be a killer. Suddenly, I remember what Jean had said to me, never be the killer. Take a step back, and listen to your heart. I take a step away, shaking my head. 

"At least try it, if you don't like it. We can stop. We don't have to do it all the way. I promise." The grandmother said, limping over and taking hand in hers. Which was warm. I nodded my head, going along with it. "Alright, I trust you." 

We walk another mile or so to a meadow, which is covered by snow. But you could see tracks left by animals who had walked out into the meadow. Holding up my dress, trying not to get soaked completely on the bottom. Suddenly, a herd of deer comes prancing out of the forest. They were beautiful against the snow white around us. 

I gasp, smiling at them. Slowly walking away, toward them. All of them stared at me as I walked closer to them. I used a spell to keep them calm around me. Reaching a hand out to touch the nose of one of the does. It was soft, and she took a step closer to me. Soon they were all around me, sniffing my clothing and making small bleating sounds. 

Laughing at these small creatures, and I kneel down to one of the babies. They began to run around, playing and making me laugh more. "They are very spirited animals. One of the best ones in this meadow." Grandmother said, walking over to the deer. They tensed up and stared at her with wide eyes. 

'Don't trust her! Evil! Smell's rotten' Hearing tiny voices in my head, gasping to see the deer were all around me. Starring down my grandmother. Were they just speaking to me inside my head?

"Yes, they are very spirited. What do you want me to do?" 

"Capture one, we will need it for the spell." I keep quiet, not wanting to do as she said. 

I shook my head, "No, I won't they are free spirits. Meaning they shouldn't be captured.

"If you won't do it. I will!" Next thing I know green/black smoke comes spilling out of her hands. Toward the deer and I. 

"Go!" I screamed. Watching as the herd began to run, and the smoke following them.  "No!" And I cast a bolt of smoke toward hers. Overpowering it, and cutting it in half. Swinging my arms around to head back toward us. Gasping, sweat rolling down my forehead. "Come on..." I whisper. Whispering words to get more power into my smoke. 

And the smoke began to come back our way and not toward the disappearing deer. "No! Stop! You will get hurt!" She yelled. Trying to wobble her way toward me, when suddenly, I'm sucked up in her green/black smoke. Feeling as if it was draining my life, sucking out of me. A white glow began to come off of me, laying on top of my skin. Seeing it disappear into grandmother. 

"What... i-is happening?" I say, falling to my knees. 

"You got in the way, my dear. Should never get in the way of a spell, which was meant for someone else. That is the worst thing that you could have done." She cackled. 

"You... betrayed me," I say, falling to my side. Staring up at the snowy sky. The cold earth underneath me, not affecting my body. 

'Daniel, hear me now. Please come to me.' I say inside my head before I feel the darkness sucking me up in a cocoon. And I knew I couldn't do anything to stop what was happening. I was dying. 

Healer of TigersWhere stories live. Discover now