Another Fight

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Crackling of a fire, the soft glow of amber on my face. Blinking it away, groaning in stiffness. I stretch my arms and legs, hitting something. Soft and fuzzy. Turning my head to see Daniel beside me. Almost laying on me.

"Move!" Groaning out. Daniel rolled his eyes, shifting.

"How are you so calm about this?"


Suddenly, it all came back to me. Meeting my grandmother, a spell-caster. Then the dream of me hiding from my father. Looking back up at Daniel, his face full of anger. "Daniel... I'm sorry that I worried you. But something happened up there." Turning my head toward James, who was sitting quietly behind Daniel. A blank expression.

"I met our grandmother. And I think she is a part of this. We need to find her. She can help us." Whispering.

James jumped up quickly, about to come over to me. But I stop him with a look. Being only covered in cloaks and a blanket. I began to feel the cold again, keeping my mouth shut about it.

"So, you disappear. Find your grandmother, which you thought was dead. We find you half dead in the snow. And you still want to go through with this?

Slowly, I look at him. "Why are you acting this way? You came to help me with my journey. Now you are backing out. We are mates, shouldn't you support me?"

Tears about to fall down my face, "Not if it is about you getting killed out here. I love you too much for you to get hurt. I don't want you to damage yourself out here, Eve." He said. I looked at him, staring him down. Sighing, my body deflating. But I sat up straight, standing holding the cloak around my body, walking to one of my bags changing into a dress.

Choosing a nice dark green thick clothed dress. Sliding it on and then pulling boots on my feet. And out from where I was changing, packing up my bags. James and Daniel were starring into the fire, quiet. Wondering if they were going to stop me from trying to find my grandmother. So, I decide right then and there. I am going to find her.

Throwing my bags on one of the horses saddles, buckling them on the horse. Daniel looked up at me, "What do you think you are doing?" He growled.

"I am going to find her. I need to find her. She is the only thing that is connected to me. I'm doing this with or without you." I said. Jumping up on the horse, grabbing the reins. Kicking the horse, galloping out of the cave and into the snowy night air. I heard a roar from behind me. A tear slipped down my cheek, knowing he wasn't going to follow. He was stubborn. And I knew from experience that he would come after me sooner or later.

I continue my ride, using my powers to decide the best path for the horse. The snow was still kind of high, and some snow falls happened as I rode. Everything around me kind of looked the same, the trees all covered in snow. And nothing else. Wondering how I was ever going to find her, "Where are you going, my dear?" I heard a voice say.

Startling my horse and I, pulling her to a quick stop. Staring around me, trying to find out where the voice had come from. "Over here." Still turning around on the saddle. "Oh, you have a lot to learn. Which is going to take some time." But the only thing I see is a bird.

"I'm guess your a talking bird. Which is absolutely crazy!" I say, sliding down off the saddle. Walking a little closer to the birds.

"You are correct!" And the next thing I know the bird is changing into the elderly lady I saw earlier. My grandmother.

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