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Over the years I never forgot about Evangeline. I remember taking care of her and loving her. The day I left, I knew I was going to break her heart and mine. My job was over, protecting the princess was over and I had to go back to my training. I left her without telling her why. Ever since that day I have been working up to the day I would find her.

Traveling from town to town to find her. Seeing girls that could be her. Once I really thought I had found her. But I got drunk at the bar, wanting to kidnap her for myself. And that's when Jack had to step in. Saving me from being hung. 

I was working with my mentor, Jack Phillips. I saw her at the tavern, my heart almost stopped. When I saw that man hit her, the tiger inside me took over and I punched him, hard. He went right through the open window across the room. Jack went to go check on him while I looked after Eve. I didn't think she would remember me from her other life.

But when she asked me if I knew her, my heart skipped a beat. I denied her because I was on a mission, to protect her and I couldn't get caught up in the past. The next day I watched her movements, but when I left the tavern. I heard a couple of men talking about Eve. I asked Jack to go and check it out but I was too late. I had found out they were going to set the tavern on fire with her in it. I ran to the tavern as fast as I could.

I heard a scream and then it went silent. I smashed the window that lead to the cellar to try and get to her. I found her, Eve was laying on the ground. I picked her up and climbed out the window. She was barley breathing. I made sure no one would find us and I started to giver her CPR to get some clean air into her. Finally, I heard her gasp, and I was so relieved. I almost hugged her but I controlled myself. I caught her before she fell, I knew she would remember me for some reason.

I walked down the road, and I saw Jack with the wagon. The horses were already hook up, and Jack was sitting up on the driving bench. I carried Eve into the back of the wagon. I laid her down on some of the blankets the were spread out. I sat down next to her. Eric, my younger brother came into the wagon a couple of minutes later. I yelled to Jack, he flicked the reins. We were on our way to my castle.

"So, I see you found her." Eric said.

I looked down at Eve. "I did, but I don't think she is going to be in the best of moods when she wakes up. She remembers me and I don't think she is going to like what were bringing her too." I answered,

"She is going to have to, she is one of the last ones left in the world. Daniel, she is a healer in our shifter world. She has to understand..." I looked up at him.

"I know... I just don't think she is going to believe us..." I said.

Eric became quiet, and I looked down at Eve. It soon became morning. Eric and I switched off and on, sleeping during the night. I had just switched with Jack to let him rest, when I heard her start to wake up.

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