An Ending

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The next morning, we arrived at the cottage. Finding out that I was the Queen of Healers, and that I was the most powerful one out of all of them. After, this small adventure. Daniel and I were mated together, and we were also married that same day. Him and I are living our lives to the greatest of what we can do. Being Prince and Princes of the Tigers. But soon, we will have another life joining us very soon. I just haven't told Daniel that yet.

Author's Note:

(Hello to the people reading this book. I am sorry, that I have to end the book like this. I just am stumped with ending of this book. I have lost my hope of this book. I thank you for reading it. Maybe in a couple of months. I can get to it again, and change the ending. But just not right now. Thank you to the people that understand what I am saying. And I'm sorry to the people the currently hate me)

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