Tiger, Tiger

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Jinger and Adde tried talking to me when they were tigers, but it didn't work. Instead, they started to dress me up in doll clothes. And of course I let them, because I nothing better to do at the moment.

Suddenly, I felt pain shoot through me like before, when I shifted earlier. I growl and run away from Jinger and Adde. They stare at me, and I look up into their eyes trying to let them know something was happening.

That's when Adde ran out of the room, and I scooted farther underneath the bed. I saw that Jinger was trying to talk to me. But I didn't understand here over my growling and yelping of pain. I lay on my side, to try and calm down the pain.

When I felt myself start to get bigger and grow, and my fur became a brighter white. I was now a full grown tiger. That's when the door slammed open, and I smelled Daniel's scent, fresh grass and sexy cinnamon. I slowly looked out and up to see him talking to Jinger.

James and Eric were there too. James looked over at me, and crouched down. I just stared at him, and he looked at me with shock. He then brushed his fingers through his blonde hair. James then stood up, and slowly went to Daniel.

All of them then looked toward me, and I decided to crawl out from underneath the bed. I huffed at them, and all of their mouths dropped.

"Eve, can you understand me?" Daniel said, shifting into beautiful golden tiger.

"I can understand you." I replied to him. He jumped in happiness when he heard my voice.

"Oh, Eve! It's so good to hear your voice again." I went up to him, and nuzzled him.

He purred, "I missed you too" He then licked my nose, and then shifted as Daniel explained to them that can they can understand me now.

"We can finally talk to her now. This will make the journey a little easier. Now, let's go talk to my mother." I followed behind the boys. As I was walking, I kept staring at Daniel's back side. Not to be weird or anything he has very nice butt. We walked into the library where we found Emily. She was standing on a ladder, putting up books.

"Hello, children..." Daniel then handed her an envelope as she made her way down the ladder. She gasped, looking at Daniel and then at me.

"I guess it's time to tell you... Every two years, or so. A healer and Prince will become mates to each other. With this came a price to the couple. A darkness will try and ruin them before the mating ceremony. That is what is happening, Evangeline's uncle is that darkness that is trying to get in between Daniel and you. Evangeline, your parents knew this and tried to protect you from the darkness. Unfortunately, that they died in the process of doing so, because of your Uncle. Also, your Uncle did not use to be like this all time, he became this way because something turned in him after the years. Your Uncle, put a curse on you when you were a baby, whenever you truly love your mate. It will change you, and that is why you are like this." She stopped for a moment, as she gasped trying to contain the tears that were about to fall down her cheeks.

"The journey you will have to go on, will be to undo this curse and defeat the darkness, that is your Uncle. I will help you with the first part of the journey, you all will be going to go see a dear old friend of mine. She lives in a cabin, in Snicker's Mist Woods. All you will need to pack warm clothes, it never stops snowing there. But also pack light, and hunt on the way. Since Evangeline can't shift, all the guys will be taking horses. Leaving them at the edge of the territory and then shifting for the rest of the journey."

Emily explained to us, a couple of tears ran down her face. Daniel gave her a hug, and Eric joined in. James and I stood where we were. I looked up at James who was staring at them. I slipped away, and walked behind one of the bookshelves.

As a tiger tear slipped down my face, feeling it run down against my whiskers. Pawing at my face, trying to hide them. When I felt a nose nudge my shoulder, seeing James as a panther.

"It will be okay. We can do this..." He said.

I nodded my head, and walked back to where we left the other. I heard James shift, and walk by me. Realizing that I had to much going through my head, and I needed space for a moment. Daniel saw me, and looked at me confused.

Walking away, hearing Daniel yell my name. But I ran out of the room, to the gardens. Running and running until I reached the hidden house that was hidden in the waterfall. Making it across in the river in one leap. I was about to go in when, realizing I was tiger. I couldn't go in unless, I touched the rock with my hand print. The waterfall can only match it to my hand print, nothing else.

Walking back over, I sat down in front of the flowing river. Watching as the little tadpoles raced down the river. Bugs flying onto the water, and flying past me. Looking at my refection of the white tiger, and midnight blue eyes.

Lifting a paw, and dragging it across the dirt. Seeing how big my paw was, and having my claws come out. Ripping up the dirt beneath my paw, and feel my claws drag across the rocks underneath.

I stood up, walking through the woods back to the castle. Knowing my head was now clear. Realizing my eyesight and smell were now increased when I became my tiger.

Suddenly, I heard the pounding of paws coming closer my way. Jumping into the nearby bushes and shrubs, crouching on all fours. Seeing Daniel orange stripped form come running toward where I use to be.

Daniel slowed down, realizing I had disappeared. I put my body lower to the ground, and shifting my hind legs, jumping on his back. We then fell to the ground, pressing our face close together.

Daniel starring up at me, "Eve..." I heard him say.

Ignoring him, I leaned in closer to him. Starting to purr, rubbing my faces together. "Why did you run?" He asked, as he stood up with me.

Concern ran through his voice. Walking away, he fell in stop in step beside me. "I just became angry, because this was all my fault..." I pushed out.

We then grew silent, knowing there was nothing else to say. Making our way back to the library. The others were still there, Daniel shifted back.

Talking to them, "We will leave after the ball, until then get rest and prepare. Teach Eve, how to become one with her tiger." Emily said, giving some advice with a small smile.

We then left the room, and I followed the boys. Going outside again, and Daniel lead us to a private training building. Every type of weapon hung on side of the walls. I walked to the center of the wooden floor building, and watched at they shifted. We then began training.

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