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No one answered for a couple of silent minutes...

I finally looked over at Daniel, he sighed in return.

"We are taking you to our castle because you are special, Evangeline. We have healers in our kingdom those are the people who can take care of us, heal us shifters. They are the only people who can. Our Elders told us to go find a princess, who is alone and has lost everything. Then a smoke figure showed us you... You are one of the last healers left for us shifters. We have only a small group of healers left in the kingdom." I looked at all of them with shock.

I thought about all the things he just explained to me. I remembered as a kid healing people but not realizing it in till now. I felt the power inside me try and calm me down...

I looked away from them and into the fire, "So... I-I'm pretty much one of the last healers or the last. You need me to save the shifters before they die off. Basically, I am your life source for your kind..." I said.

All of them nodded. "I guess, we better get going." I said, picking up my lunch and throwing it in the fire.

Suddenly, I heard growling behind me, and all of them were tigers. Daniel walked over to me and stood next to me. Jack and Eric walked a couple feet away, their noses lifted in the air, sniffing for something.

Suddenly, giant black panthers jumped onto Jack and Eric. Daniel ran over to them, when I saw more of them coming. I realized they were distracting them to get to me instead. I crawled into the wagon, and looked around for some type of weapon. I finally found a bow with a quiver under the blankets. I heard the fabric around me start to tear from their claws. I climbed out onto the bench, and I looked around for anything to help me escape. I saw the horses, near the wagon.

I whistled for one of them, the black Frisian mare came galloping to me. I jumped onto her, and I was off. Going down the road, I held onto her mane and squeezed myself tight against her. I heard the pounding of paws behind me.

Three panthers were following me. Daniel and Jack were there too. I kicked her to go faster. I saw Jack and Daniel take down one of the panthers. The other two were now running beside me. They kept scaring my horse, and I pulled back on her mane and turned her around, into the woods. I was moving around trees, when I heard the waterfall.

I saw the river, and that's when something tackled me. I grabbed an arrow and stabbed the panther in the shoulder. I felt blood splash all over me. It's claws started to dig into my sides, and I screamed in pain. Suddenly, I felt the weight come off of me.

Daniel had attacked the panther, and they were now rolling around, clawing each other. I crawled to the water to try and get the blood off of me when something grabbed my ankle. I screamed again, it was another panther. I kicked him in the face, and he let go of me, crawling back into the water. But he grabbed me and dragged me to the shore.

I felt for another arrow, the panther was now on top of me. I coward-ed underneath him, I took him by surprise when I stabbed him with another arrow. I saw his eyes roll back into his head, his body rolled back into the rushing water. I then realized that he still had me in his grip, and I started to get pulled in with him.

The water was freezing cold now, and I felt someone grab me out of the water. it was Eric. I sighed with relief. I looked around for Daniel, and I couldn't see him. Eric helped me stand, and we made it slowly back to the wagon.

We were the only ones there, so we went into the wagon to hide. I laid down, my side was bleeding and I knew my right ankle had to be broken. I looked at Eric, he was having trouble breathing. I felt my power grow in me. I kneeled in front of him, and I ran my hands down his chest.

I felt my power go into him, and his breathing went back to normal.

"Thank you." Eric said.

I nodded and stood up. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to get this wagon going. We can't just sit here." I said.

I saw the horses, and I called for them. I hooked them back up, and I was about to get up on the bench when I saw Jack, slowly coming toward us. I called for Eric. Eric helped Jack into the wagon. I healed Jack before we left. Both of them I knew were tired so I was going to drive.

"Get some rest." I told them, and flicked the reins and we were off. I stopped the wagon before it got dark. I could tell I wasn't healing right, and I didn't care. All of us made camp, and Daniel, we still hadn't seen him.

Jack and Eric were sitting by the fire, and I was about to get something out of the wagon when I felt pain go through my body. I gasped and fell to the ground in pain.

"Eve!" I heard Eric yell.

He picked me up in his arms and carried me into the wagon. My whole body was on fire, I moaned in pain.

"Eve, what's wrong? I wish Daniel were here. We have to get you to the castle." I grabbed his hands, looking up at him. I slide his hands over my wounds.

"Not... H-Healing..." I whispered, before passing out.

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